While Sisko tries to learn what the Prophets expect from him, Kira refuses to cooperate with the Romulans and Worf...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
As Kira struggles to run Deep Space Nine with Romulans and without the wormhole, Sisko receives a vision from the...
A decision by Sisko to ignore the Prophets leads to the collapse of the wormhole and the death of a...
The crew of the Defiant attempts to rescue a Starfleet captain stranded on a planet with diminishing life support. (more…)
Molly O'Brien falls through an ancient time-shifting device, emerging as an adult who has lived alone in the wild since...
A feminist revolution led by Quark's Moogie forces Quark to impersonate a female in order to impress an important businessman....
Jake and Nog are rescued from the Dominion by a Starfleet ship crewed by young officers determined to prove themselves....
A Prophet and a Pah-Wraith from an ancient Bajoran artifact take over the bodies of Kira and Jake to wage...
Odo consults with a holographic lounge singer about how to win Kira's love. (more…)
Sisko decides to work with Garak to bring the Romulans into the Dominion War on the side of the Federation....
When Starfleet interrogates the crew in a search for a potential Dominion spy, Bashir emerges as the most likely suspect....
After traveling through time with the help of an Orb, Kira discovers that her mother was Gul Dukat's lover. (more…)
On a dangerous away mission, Worf must choose between rescuing a Starfleet informant and saving Dax's life. (more…)
O'Brien is sent to infiltrate the criminal Orion Syndicate, but becomes too close to one of his informants. (more…)
When the Defiant is boarded by Jem'Hadar, a group of crewmembers miniaturized by an anomaly must rescue the crew. (more…)