March 11 2025


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Star Trek: Renegades Starts Production

1 min read

Star Trek: Renegades, a new production aimed at bringing Star Trek back to television, has begun production on a professionally-produced television pilot.

The show, which will feature familiar Star Trek actors as well as newcomers to the Trek world, claims to be “bold, edgy and a little dark.”

Star Trek: Renegades is described on the show website as “a departure from previous Treks – delving into the dark side of the human psyche, pushing our heroes to their limits, forcing them to carry out actions that they never would have as Starfleet officers. The rules have changed, and they realize they might be the last hope to save the Federation.

Star Trek: Renegades will be action-oriented, filled with suspense and espionage; all while exploring new worlds, encountering both familiar and new alien species, and boldly going where no Trek has gone before.”

Directed by Tim Russ, Star Trek: Renegades will include: Walter Koenig, Gary Graham (Soval), Garrett Wang (Harry Kim), Manu Intiraymi (Icheb) and Richard Herd (Admiral Paris).

A trailer for the show may be seen here.

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28 thoughts on "Star Trek: Renegades Starts Production"

  1. Good luck with the project… but I’m still a firm believe in the words of Gene Roddenberry… when Star Trek becomes about Admirals pontificating and intergalactic espionage and intrigue… it descends into Buck Rogers foolishness… I for one miss my “grandfather’s Star Trek…

  2. The original TNG episodes began 78 years after the events of Star Trek IV. 25 years have passed since then. How is it possible that Chekov in the late 24th century looks about twenty five years older than the Chekov in Star Trek IV when he is actually over 100 years older? Geez, McCoy and Spock were aged realistically for the 24th century.

  3. I don’t know who is worse. Vic Mignogna, Sky Conway, John Broughton, Michael Bednar, or the rest of Farragut Films.

    Like the upcoming Star Trek Continues, this film is going to be a huge dud!

    I’d like to know how Walter Koenig can play Chekov bald. That’s just not in character for our favorite Russian navigator.

  4. When you soar with Eagles, you often fly with turkeys. Will Rogers obviously did not meet the individuals and the company that Polaris01313-1 described. Let alone Fred Freiberger and Rick Berman.

    Star Trek went through a dry spell once(the franchise fatigue period of 1994 to 2005). It looks like it might happen again. Only this time, it will not be at the hands of the foolish executives at Paramount Pictures, whose sole motivation was blind greed.

    This time, it will be at the hands of foolish idiots who claim to be fans of Gene Roddenberry’s original space odyssey.

    Damn fools, all of them!

  5. What does this have to do with Farragut Films? Or are you paid to post on every news story, regardless of whether or not it is related?

  6. How exciting to have two of the worst actors ever to grace a Star Trek series (Russ and Wang) involved in this – NOT!! What a load of old rubbish! Trek needs to distance itself from the awful Voyager if it is ever to stand a chance of hitting our TV screens again.

  7. Yes and no. It was a big part of Deep Space Nine, where it was a somewhat refreshing change from the “all good guys” positivism that Gene Rodenberry insisted should always be the driving point of Star Trek. However;
    Now, we have so many Trek novels, independent productions, official movies and other fanfics trying so hard to be “dark” and “edgy”. It’s a cliche’ come to life. It’s an interesting diversion, but it is not and should not be what Star Trek is about.
    You can make an “anti-Trek” Trek production, but it requires a great deal of care, attention, and balance. There is a point at which it will cease to be a Trek production and become just another 24 or Nu-BSG. Deep Space Nine was able to avoid this because they were able to make that “dark, edgy, gritty” part of a larger tapestry.
    The good thing is, Walter Koenig knows where that line is, and I’m pretty sure Tim Russ does as well. Hopefully the producers of this venture will listen to the accumulated wisdom that they have on hand.

  8. I doubt it’s paid, I think it’s more like a compulsion.
    But yes Polaris 23-32-46-hike, what does this have to do with Farragut Films? None of those people seem to be involved.
    On a side note, Mr. Koenig played a wonderful older Chekov in New Voyages’ “To Serve All My Days”. And I suspect coping with hair loss will be one of the first issues this series will tackle. {:-PPP

  9. There are no licensing requirements… if you don’t make money on something, you can do whatever you want… If you have the money to make and distribute a new Star Wars Prequel Trilogy to replace the one GL gave us, you’re free to do it… nothing to stop you… except the money, of course… Same is true of Trek… as long as there’s no money generation from the project, there’s nothing to license.

  10. Quite simply: pointing out an example in the only way that fans seem to understand these days(without them having to stick their fingers in their ears and yell LA! LA! LA! LA! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!). An example of how some Star Trek fans(who claim to be fans)often resort to lousy and really low measures just to achieve a certain goal or making a point. Or worse lower than low, and ‘less than truthfully’ claiming that they are carrying on the name of Gene Roddenberry’s legacy in both true and good faith.

    Honestly, some fans…or purists…are so quick to slam on the likes of J.J. Abrams, just because he crafted a film that wasn’t to some fans’ likings. Fine. So be it. But to constantly slam on his talents or his character in more harshly, negative, if not lower than low, ways?

    Granted everybody is entitled to an opinion, but the less than colorful descriptions about the filmmaker and his body of work…well, that’s more like a compulsion, but in a very disgusting way.

    Or is it professional jealousy?

    The same goes for the infighting between Star Trek fan organizations. Whether they are regular fan clubs or fan film organizations. Sharing a common interest, yet fighting over issues that are far and wide.

    Man, with that type of BS, I’m amazed that some purist fans haven’t gone on to make a career in politics. They would make fine Congressmen in a shortsighted way.

  11. That is absolutely false. You know nothing of copyright law. As Mark Twain once said, it is better to remain silent and have people believe you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  12. Oh thanks for the math lesson, genius. Star Trek IV was released in 1986. TNG was released in 1987 and we were told it took place 78 years in the future. Star Trek VI wasn’t released until 1991.

  13. I see why you were pointing to The Voyage Home now… However, it wouldn’t have been a math lesson, smartguy, it would’ve been a Roman Numerals lesson. That said, I hardly found McCoy’s aging to be particularly realistic… nor Nimoy’s for that matter. Compare Reunification Spock to Abrams’ Spock… he’s the inverse of Chekov. He barely aged for a hundred years, then aged a hundred years in 10.

  14. Fair enough, but I think we’ve all gotten the point that Farragut Films is a turd factory headed by dishonest, unethical schmucks. I was vastly underwhelmed by S.S. Farragut and Mignona’s ill-fitting uniform anyway, and am saddened to hear that his little tentacle is twiddling other fans’ productions, and am quite confident that New Voyages will knock them into a cocked hat. Your point’s made. Can we move on now?

  15. Kang, you took the words right out my mouth. My compliments to you, sir, for such an accurate, colorful, and justifiable, description. Glad to know that there are some Trek fans who still have honor and integrity within them.

  16. OH NO! Chekov is not bald so there! the actor playing him I wonder what made him go natural? He and John Astin were wearing there hair pieces forever

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