March 17 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek XI Premiere

2 min read

For those fans who can’t attend the Star Trek XI premiere in Sydney, Australia, they can follow live coverage of the premiere using social media. Fans may also submit questions to film-makers via Twitter.

As reported by Picture Production Company, the premiere of Star Trek XI takes place Tuesday, April 7th at the Sydney Opera house. PPC Interactive will have a team of bloggers to bring live coverage to fans all over the world, using social media such as Twitter, Ustream, Flickr and Phreadz.
Fans are encouraged to submit questions for film-makers and cast members to answer, including J.J. Abrams, Eric Bana, Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto via Twitter. Use an #ashtrek hashtag. To see what people have asked so far, click here.

Video responses to some of the questions will be published to a channel on Phreadz, along with a live Twitter feed and photos served via Flickr. A live Ustream feed directly from the red carpet will bring the premiere to life for fans in all four corners of the web. This feed will be going live at 7am GMT on Tuesday, and will be archived and available to view throughout the day.

Links to all of these channels can be found in one place, the Star Trek Homepage Fan Kit, located here. This “social media microsite,” launched today, was created to promote the release of Star Trek XI by Paramount Pictures International and the Picture Production Company and houses a wealth of Star Trek-themed tools for fans to use on their profiles across the social web.

The Star Trek Homepage Fan Kit includes a variety of cool, creative and compelling customization tools. One can create a profile picture of Captain Kirk or Spock; find a themed skin to use on one’s MySpace profile, blog or Twitter page; download wallpapers, screensavers or buddy icons and much more.

More will be added to the website, including peelbacks, fan banners, iPhone content and also a live stream from the global premiere in Sydney.

To read more, head to the websites located here and here.

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