March 15 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Virtual Star Trek: The Experience

2 min read

Star Trek fans waiting and hoping for Star Trek: The Experience to reopen can experience a virtual Star Trek: The Experience while waiting.

Originally commissioned by park management as a historical archive and gift to the staff, now everyone can virtually visit the various sections of Star Trek: The Experience, including staff areas.

The 360 degree tours cover six different areas, including Klingon Encounter, Borg 4D, the Museum, Quark’s Bar, the Promenade and Staff Access. The tours don’t have the videos on the screens from the various areas that actually play when fans tour the site in person, but audio cues have been left in, including voices of well-known Star Trek actors such as Jonathan Frakes and Ethan Phillips, and sound effects including red alert klaxons and the sounds of weaponry.

The Klingon Encounter section is set on the Bridge of Picard’s Enterprise. Fans can see the transporter room, transit corridor, the bridge, turbolift, grand corridor, shuttle bay 2 and shuttlecraft.


The Borg 4D section includes a regeneration chamber, scanning room, Copernicus station, Borg attack, Grand corridor, Ross station and the USS Olympia.


The Museum includes the entrance (with ship models hanging above,), costumes, photon torpedo and a center point looking down towards the bar.

Quark’s bar includes Quark’s side, the Federation side, bar seating, and two captain’s lounges.

The Promenade includes the main lobby and various retail outlets including Moogie’s, Garak’s and Zek’s Emporium.

Staff access lets fans see behind-the-scenes, where those who work for the Experience toil. Included are various offices and hallways (some of which have Star Trek photos on the walls,) wardrobe, 10-Forward, Makeup and the control room.

In addition to the six 360 degree tours, each of the six sections has several dozen still photos.

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