September 7 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

Nimoy Wants Root Connection to Vulcan

1 min read

Leonard Nimoy hopes that his trip to Vulcan, Alberta, Canada is more to him than just a chance to meet up with fans and admirers.

Nimoy will be appearing in Vulcan, as reported by TrekToday, on April 23 as part of a comic book and entertainment convention being held in Calgary.

LeonardNimoy01222010“I’m looking forward to making a root connection to Vulcan,” said Nimoy, who also wants to “shake some hands” and “make some friends” during his brief visit to the small town of 1,900 residents.

Nimoy went on to talk about his roots, specifically how he no longer felt rooted to his hometown of Boston. “”I grew up in the city of Boston in a neighborhood I felt very connected to,” he said. “The neighborhood was subsequently torn down and replaced by many expensive high-rise condominiums. When I go back there I feel rootless.”

Nimoy was responsible for getting a special screening of Star Trek XI held in Calgary last year, to which many Vulcan residents were bused for the event.

Vulcan was named in 1915 and began its association with Star Trek in the early 1990s.

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