February 11 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Urban: With Trek For The Long Run

2 min read

Karl Urban is ready to step into Doctor McCoy’s shoes again, and he wouldn’t mind if the Star Trek movies continue past the two sequels for which he has already signed.

Urban doesn’t know if Star Trek will continue past the third movie, but he’s open to more than two more Trek movies if the right people are involved in creating them.

“The thing specifically about Trek is that you have to look at who is involved,” said Urban. “J.J [Abrams] and Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, they’re all incredibly onto it creatively so I’ve got faith in them. If it goes beyond three, then I’d go for it.”

As far as McCoy is concerned, Urban doesn’t have any requests for the writers, leaving the development of the character up to them. “I think that they [the writers are] geniuses and you should just let them do what they do, he said. “I have officially thrown a genius label on them. I’ve got full faith that whatever they come up with is going to equal and surpass the first installment.”

For the moment, Urban is content with acting and doesn’t yet aspire to the director’s chair. “I’ve been blessed to work with some truly phenomenal directors,” he said. “I have so much respect for everything that comprises their craft. I’m not raising my hand saying I can do that. I’m quite happy doing what I’m doing at the moment. If you’re a director, the commitment can be several years seeing a project through its development and then shooting and then to post. I kind of like the three to four month commitment or whatever it is. I certainly have some stories I’d love to tell if I ever get around to doing something like that.”

And when will Star Trek XII begin shooting? “I think it will start to shoot at the beginning of next year,” said Urban.

According to Zoë Saldana [Uhura], the actors will soon have a shooting date. “Within a month, we’ll have specific filming dates for Star Trek 2,” she said.

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