March 13 2025


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New Trek Movie Expected To Start Shooting In January

2 min read

At the San Diego Comic-Con this weekend, Trek XII writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman revealed they’re currently expecting the film to start shooting early next year.

“I think probably in January,” Orci told Cinepremiere (via TrekMovie), “but every time we say ‘we will be shooting any second now,’ we are not, but it is going to be soon.”

The film was originally scheduled to start shooting earlier, but many of the principal players involved got side-tracked by other obligations. Producer Damon Lindelof explained to OTRC: “Right now my days and nights are consumed by Star Trek 2. [Finally] the four creative minds that sort of made the first movie what it was are all back in a room together and I think that was the only way we wanted to do it and we have been doing it. […] I think that the bar is very high. We’re not going to be satisfied with ‘Oh this is fine’ If an idea isn’t mind-blowing, or super cool, or doesn’t present the ‘Star Trek’ universe in a way that maybe people haven’t seen before … but you also sort of have to pay homage to the fans that have stuck with this amazing franchise for 40 years. It’s been very, very tricky but I think we’ve finally broken through and figured out what the movie is going to be.”

None of the people involved were very eager to reveal any story points, but Orci did tell Hitfix about a few visual changes they’re planning for the film: “Yesterday, I was at a meeting with me and Alex with J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof looking at designs for how the Enterprise might change. So, we were with Scott Chamblis, an amazing production designer who we worked with on Alias and who did Cowboys & Aliens and is now back for Star Trek. And yesterday, we were looking at designs for the alien planets we might be looking at. He had actual card board cut outs of the opening sequence with the Enterprise. I can’t tell you where it is. Flying over, I can’t tell you where, but we are working on it. We are not just laying around.”

For full video interviews with the writers and producers, head over to Cinepremiere, OTRC or Hitfix.

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2 thoughts on "New Trek Movie Expected To Start Shooting In January"

  1. Obviously they’re having a hard time coming up with a story and screenplay. It’s been two years since the last movie. What have they been doing all this time? Now, it’s being done by committee. Not a good sign. It’s nearly August, and they’re saying a January start date? Unlikely.

  2. I Love Star Trek.Happy Hoildays. I’m a fan of James T. Kirk. Forever.Thank yu,Ms. Frances Yozawitz

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