October 24 2024


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Wang Is No Fan Of Shatner

2 min read

George Takei isn’t alone when it comes to his dislike of Star Trek‘s William Shatner.

Star Trek: Voyager‘s Garrett Wang used to be a fan of the man best-known for playing Captain Kirk until an unfortunate meeting with Shatner changed his mind.

Wang shared his story of what went wrong with the crowd at Comikaze Expo, which took place last weekend at the Los Angeles Convention Center. “I was at the Tulsa Trek Expo [last year],” he said. “I was in the ‘green room,’ so this is a backstage room where only the actors are. So I walked up to him and said ‘Mr. Shatner, I finally get to meet you.’

“[Shatner’s handshake] was limp-wristed; he gave me this, like he was the Queen of England or something. So he gives me that, then in the middle of the handshake, he looks away, then he pulls his hand away and he wipes it off on his shirt, right in front of me.

“All I saw was red. You know what? God help me, I want to punch his fat belly right now. I was so mad. I want to tell you guys, I love Captain Kirk, but I fricken’ cannot stand William Shatner. I’m gonna say that right now. That is no way to treat someone.”

At Comikaze, Wang also spoke about the Star Trek XI premiere back in 2009 and his thoughts on the lack of Star Trek: Voyager actors in attendance.  According to Wang, none of the Voyager actors were invited to that premiere. “I just gave you seven years of my life,” said Wang. “You think I can get an invite to the damn premiere? No.”

In spite of that disrespect, Wang said that he would love to be part of a new Star Trek series.

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62 thoughts on “Wang Is No Fan Of Shatner

  1. And why is that? You son of a bitch! When ever you flush the toilet, that means you are an ass. When EVER you flush the toilet, you will recall what you are, an Ass.

    “Remember big guy, as with Shatner, we are all free to say or treat people anyway we like.” Don’t be piss-y and feel you’ve been treated wrong, it’s ok.

    Mr Wang will be fine, does not need your dollars, since your dollars only promote jack-asses.

  2. Ya, why do some of the j.ack-a.sses here, who still service William Shatner, still follow him the way the N.azi’s followed H.itler, even after all the witnesses to his being an a.ss?

    Just because you played a pretend leader on a tv show, does not give you the privilege to treat people like they are worthless or non-human.

    Shatner reminds me of the old rich lady from Color Purple, Miss Millie. Miss Millie is the woman who forces Sofia into being her maid.

  3. Ya, why do some of the jack-asses here, who still service William Shatner, still follow him the way the Nazi’s followed Hitler, even after all the witnesses to his being an ass?

    Just because you played a pretend leader on a tv show, does not give you the privilege to treat people like they are worthless or non-human.

    Shatner reminds me of the old rich lady from Color Purple, Miss Millie. Miss Millie is the woman who forces Sofia into being her maid.

  4. You give no evidence to your analysis, only opinion. And it is my opinion that you suck the s.hit out of my a.ss and give toothy-smiles when finished; which is as true as your statements of Mr. Wang and Voyager.

    The new Star Treks are made for the next generation of views. I have many times been told that by teenagers that they did not want to watch a Star Trek because the props and ships look fake. Once I showed them Voyager, it became a legitimate Sci-fi show with good graphics, not a hokey-Dr.Who PBS/BBC broadcasted low-budget show.

    I likes your toothy-smile though :O)P

  5. My evidence: 172 episodes of Voyager. Take that in your pipe and smoke it you rude imbecile.

    So, where’s your evidence? You claim to have had conversations with teenagers as to the quality of Star Trek but that’s just a statement. Where’s your survey of teenagers’ opinions underpinned by a sound methodology you absolute loser?

  6. He was trying to do an In-lay Reach-around and it is baldly-apparent. His lewd-improba-verpus jokes sass the loving. When he/you appear/s with his/your testicles hanging out, it is appropriate for me to speak of my thoughts on the subject. “Oh, My”

  7. This is all well and good, but it’s also a reason why i dropped out of Trek for a few years. Why? The moaning and groaning. I once thought Voyager was dim, but then I watched it as a whole and now am a fan. And Enterprise is my favorite show outside of TNG (now half of the Trek world hates me). but to be honest, I notice FANS kill something just as much as producers who make shows more ‘grim’ and ‘real’ because they can’t see roddenberry’s vision. Fans like us are the makers–and breakers of the very things we love. Garrett is human. He met his idol, got dissed, fely rejected. That’s nothing new. but the demise of Trek AS A SHOW was in the works since DS9, though not intentional. Now we have an “AU” that was good, but we all know it’s not TREK. So what now?
    ENTERPRISE did retcon things, but what retcon doesn’t? It’s done now. We could use a brighter, better humanity ST on TV right now. The same apprehension in the 60’s that inspired Gene is on out streets now AGAIN. but who would write it? Writers don’t get a more enlightened human race..and neither do most of us. We’d rather gripe about someone else’s gripes than stay a whole unit. Always stick to the fundamentals. Gene Roddenberry foresaw trek would change, go with the times. Why can’t/won’t the fans. Live long and prosper Trekkies.

  8. None of the shows were ‘blights’. Comparing one to another is like saying the 70’s were BS because it wasn’t the 60’s, and the 60’s sucked because it wasn’t the 50’s. All were great for their intended purpose.

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