January 13 2025


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Shatner Appears On The Colbert Report

1 min read

Last night, William Shatner appeared on The Colbert Report to promote his one-man show, Shatner’s World: We Just Live In It.

His appearance lasted six minutes, and in that time, Shatner described his show, spoke about Star Trek and arm-wrestled Stephen Colbert.

Shatner was his usual flip self at times. When Colbert told him, “I just have to say, man to man, how goddamned beautiful you were. Did you know you were beautiful?,” Shatner replied, “I did. Why do you use the past tense?”

Not content with verbal victories, Shatner won the arm-wrestling contest, beating Colbert in just one second.

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7 thoughts on “Shatner Appears On The Colbert Report

  1. Shatner also just appeared on the Charlie Rose show. An unusually serious appearance for him. It’s available now on the Charlie Rose website. Lasted much longer than six minutes and contained several very interesting snippets of his acting past, including a bit acting with Spencer Tracy, a strange “Incubus” clip in French (?) that showed off classic Shatner acting, the Twilight Zone airliner gremlin clip, and more. Oddly, no clips from the ST films. Also had several clips from the current Broadway show, quite amusing (I haven’t seen it). The audience seemed to be lapping it up…

  2. Epic! Clash of the unbridled facades. He is such a dick, but when he’s on, he is so on.

  3. Having met Shatner before, I can see why many dislike him. Especially after he refused to stand on the stage with James Doohan(who was already dying of Altzheimer’s)claiming that he didn’t want ‘to tolerate that Altzheimer’s crap.’ That kind of stupidity that got another asshole celebrity in trouble, one George Clooney, definitely doesn’t win him many admirers. Even though Shatner has participated in many charities, the man is still as much of an egotistical prick as some other people who are involved in some way with Star Trek(i.e. Vic Mignogna, John Broughton, Michael Bednar, and the Farragut Film production. The latter people for taking property that didn’t belong to them).

    Aside from fans, celebrities certainly have a way of stinking really cool things up with their horseshit.

  4. At least in this one, he’s playing a prick to out-prick Colbert’s prick persona. (Does that make any sense? Did I use the word “prick” enough?) This was pre-arranged, for comedic effect. As opposed to what he did to Jimmy Doohan, which was honest prickage (or perhaps superdickery).
    Way to shoehorn in that dig at Farragut Film, by the way.

  5. Superdickery would definitely apply to Bill Shatner as well. That incident with James Doohan and his health condition was just inexcusable as hell.
    I was lucky to meet Jimmy Doohan and he was a really cool old man. Very outgoing and very straightforward. A hell of a great guy. I would’ve glady had a bottle of Scotch with him, if the opprotunity had existed.

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