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Tiptons Talk Trek/Who Crossover

2 min read

When it comes to a crossover comic series featuring Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who, Scott and David Tipton are confident that the fans will embrace it with open arms.

When offered the project, the Tiptons didn’t hesitate to say yes. “…when [editor] Denton J. Tipton and [Editor-in-Chief] Chris Ryall from IDW came to us and asked if we had any ideas for a meeting between the two biggest and best science-fiction franchises of all time, what else could we say? We absolutely leapt at the chance,” said Scott. “Just a look at my resume tells you how big a Star Trek fan I am, but I’ve been watching Doctor Who all my life, as well. And the revived Doctor Who of the last few years has been, at least for my money, consistently the best drama on television.”

But would fellow Trek and Who fans be as eager about the crossover? “Here’s the thing: I’ve spent my entire career in comics either writing for Star Trek fans or Joss Whedon fans, so I don’t scare easy,” said Scott. “And truth be told, I’ve never had a single negative interaction with any fans, either online or at a convention, for anything I’ve written for Star Trek or Angel. If you try your best to do good work and respect the characters, the fans can tell, and even if they don’t like every little thing you’ve done, they’ll give you the benefit of the doubt when they read your work. I’m confident my affection for the Doctor will come through and the Whovians will give me a chance.”

Fans can expect to see most of the familiar Trek characters in the crossover. “We don’t want to divulge too much at this point, for obvious reasons, but I think it is safe to say that the major characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation will be well represented,” said David.

The same goes for Doctor Who, especially his companions. “Whether it’s Sarah Jane, Tegan, Adric, Leela, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble or Amy Pond, the Doctor is defined by his companions,” said Scott. “It doesn’t matter if they’re with him for several years or only several hours — I still miss poor Astrid Peth. I wouldn’t dream of doing this story without Amy and Rory.”

The eight-issue Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 will debut in May.

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7 thoughts on “Tiptons Talk Trek/Who Crossover

  1. Too bad that they aren’t able to write the story for a better Doctor and Companions.

  2. Sounds about as palatable as chocolate chip cookies dipped in mayonnaise…

  3. I remember a Doctor Who (4th Dr)/Star Trek TOS cross-over fan-fic that came out in the late ’80’s. Although it was written as a mostly text story with only a few drawings, I remember it being rather popular with the sci-fi con fans for many years. Now with an 8-comic, officially sanctioned story being created I can hardly wait!

  4. cant wait would love to see q somehow fiqure a way of to the doctors universe on the show next season oh yea where abouts in the tng timeline does this take

  5. Considering how much I’m loving the TOS/Legion of Super-Heroes crossover, I have really high hopes for this. IDW’s really improved the TOS and TNG comics since they first acquired the license, and the Doctor Who comics have always been excellent.

  6. I’ve seen dozens of Who/Trek stories and fanfics, and they have all been insultingly awful. Trek and Who go together about as well as well as Trek and Eddie Murphy, or Seven of Catsuit and pro wrestling. Let’s just recognize this as an embarrassing cash grab, ignore it, and move on.

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