February 8 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Shatner Dines With Millionth Twitter Follower

1 min read

Last night, one lucky fan of William Shatner got to have dinner with William and Elizabeth Shatner.

The contest began back in March in honor of Shatner’s eighty-first birthday, when it was announced that the millionth follower of Shatner would win tickets to Shatner’s “Shatner’s World” show plus dinner with Shatner and wife afterwards.

“I am really jazzed up on this ‘Thrill Bill with a Mill’ for his birthday and I want to put in a couple incentives to get Bill to 1 Million by his birthday this week,” said Elizabeth Shatner on William Shatner’s website. “The 1 millionth follower will get the choice of Tickets to Shatner’s World at the closest city near them plus dinner with Bill and I afterwards!”

The lucky winner was Troy Pound of Wagener, South Carolina. Pound and his wife were treated to dinner with the Shatners after the show.

“As promised, the millionth Twitter follower,” said Shatner, in a video taken of the event. “We’re having dinner. Thank you, everybody.”

Pound tweeted about the dinner. “Still in awe of last night’s dinner,” he said. “What a wonderful time we had. Thank you.”

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6 thoughts on “Shatner Dines With Millionth Twitter Follower

  1. It sounds like despite some of his more “asshole” persona moments (if you get my drift) he actually is a cool guy. I saw him on Steven Colbaret and I really thought he was an ass. But, I think it’s all an act. most of it anyways. 🙂

  2. Take my word for it, Bill Shatner is a prick. I wouldn’t break bread with this man if he were the last human being on Earth. Same goes for other people that I don’t like.

  3. The Colbert appearance was a semi-scripted ass-off, ie. prick vs. prick, for entertainment.
    Shatner’s a complex personality. He’s a prima donna and an asshole, but is very conscious of his appearance and reputation. The odd thing is, many of his recent public assholishness (like the Colbert show and the spat with Carrie Fisher) are staged; his private assholishness (mistreatment of fans, stagehands, producers and interviewers and other “underlings” when he doesn’t think anybody is looking) are not. As for his good appearances– charity, speaking engagements, this dinner thing, Raw Nerve, etc.– it’s hard to tell when he’s being genuinely nice and when he’s putting it on for the audience.

  4. There are far, far worse people on this planet than Shatner. Shatner’s been a prick, pissed a lot of people off, true, but he does have redeeming qualities and has actually done some good in his time. Compare that to, say, Mugabe, Ghaddafi, Ceauşescu, the Duvaliers, not to mention the greats such as Stalin and Hitler. William Shatner can only aspire to such heights.

  5. who would you rather have dinner with bill shatner or JJ abrams …..me JJ abrams

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