September 8 2024


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Shatner And Wheaton Narrate NASA Videos

1 min read

William Shatner and Wil Wheaton narrate the story of NASA’s latest planetary science mission.

The video is called Grand Entrance and takes viewers from the Mars entry of the Curiosity rover, through descent and then after the landing on the “Red Planet.”

Launched in November of 2011, Curiosity is nearing Mars. The rover will have just seven minutes to go from a speed of thirteen-thousand miles per hour to a soft landing. The descent and landing process have been named the “seven minutes of terror,” as any unsuccessful step will spell doom for the mission.

“Shatner and Wheaton are mavericks in inspiring film, TV and social media audiences about space,” said Bert Ulrich, NASA’s film and TV collaborations multimedia liaison. “NASA is thrilled to have them explain a difficult landing sequence in accessible terms that can be understood by many. Thanks to their generous support, Mars exploration will reach Tweeters, Trekkies and beyond!”

Shatner’s video can be seen here, and Wheaton’s can be accessed here.


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