September 9 2024


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Cumberbatch Praises Abrams

1 min read

Benedict Cumberbatch has joined the many actors who have had words of praise for J.J. Abrams.

Cumberbatch spoke briefly about Star Trek 2 first, claiming that working on the sequel was “an amazing experience.”

“I was bound to say that,” he said. “But it genuinely was. It was just extraordinary.”

Cumberbatch then went on to reveal his admiration for Abrams. “He’s a wonderful human being to be around, J.J. — on every level, as a dad, as a friend, as a director, as a musician,” he said. “He’s a polymath; he’s a really talented human being. And he has time for everyone and it’s all done with a really genuine interest in the story.”

Fans will get their money’s worth from Star Trek 2. “So for all the bangs for your buck that you’re gonna get with the film — which there are going to be aplenty — you have an investment,” said Cumberbatch. “You care about what’s happening to these characters, so it was really exciting.

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5 thoughts on “Cumberbatch Praises Abrams

  1. “So for all the bangs for your buck that you’re gonna get with the film, you have an investment.”


    “You care about what’s happening to these characters…”

    Well, you perhaps, Cumberbatch, if that’s what you really mean, but I don’t. They are alternate universe characters anyway… and they now belong to Abramsverse, actually.

  2. Different timeline or not, for us who just want to see some great actors in a crazy huge franchise, Cumberbatch DEFINETLY being one of those great actors, I’m very sure he will be worth my money.and all others who like Star Trek. And for those who hate, I’m pretty sure they will still go see it too so they can confirm that it’s not that great still contributing to the box office and the franchise.

  3. Of course. I mean, how could anyone possibly care about people in some alternate, nonexistant, fictional reality anyway. Pshaw.

  4. This is a gifted actors only way of saying the script is excellent and the actors surrounding him are excellent. you can’t expect anything more to be said than that from an actor.

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