October 24 2024


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Pine: Star Trek 2 Threat

2 min read

According to Chris Pine, Star Trek 2 will not be “like the original but darker.”

Star Trek will be taking its own direction, not following that of another recent franchise reboot. “We’re not making Batman,” said Pine. “That is not our deal.”

Pine went on to talk a little about what Star Trek 2 would be. “There’s comedy, which I think J.J. does a great job of, but, like the first one, there’s some serious issues being dealt with,” he said. “And I’d say the threat is even greater in this one.

“The force [the Enterprise crew] are met with is much more frightening. It’s relentlessly action-packed and in terms of character development it goes places you’d never expect. The arc is huge for all the characters. It’s a really big story – I can’t hype it enough!”

But Pine feels the heat when it comes to expectations for the second movie in the rebooted Star Trek franchise. “I probably feel the stakes are a bit bigger,” he said regarding Star Trek 2. “The first one, we didn’t have much to lose, because we didn’t have much to lose! It was either going to be a great big hot and surprise everybody, or it was going to fall the down the drain and no one would’ve thought twice about it.”

And it just so happened [that] it was pretty well received. So going into this one, I was so excited that we’d brought all these new fans to this franchise that I wanted to do my job to make sure they come back. And I also wanted to do justice to my fellow actors and to the writers, because it’s such a good story.”

Pine doesn’t know about any plans for Star Trek 3, but he assumes there will be one. “Knowing these guys, there’s always a way to make some more installments,” he said. “I’m sure they’ve built-in something, I’m just not smart enough to have seen it! But I’m sure there’s a way. What I do know from the start, in terms of structure, they’ve had an idea of where they want to take the whole thing, just like a television series. I’m very excited about Part 2; when we finished shooting, everybody was [stoked].”

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7 thoughts on “Pine: Star Trek 2 Threat

  1. “Darker. Edgier. Grittier.”
    “Chock Full ‘O’ buzzwords”.
    I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

  2. Either way, Star Trek 2 is going to be a better, bolder, and exciting space opera adventure. A better, bolder, and more exciting summer blockbuster than anything Starship Farragut and Star Trek Continues could ever come up with. Neither of those Farragut Films productions, and its studio’s troubled history/bad reputation will be able to hold a candle to J.J. Abrams exciting continuation of the Star Trek series.

  3. It will be shallow and empty, and even more infantile and ridiculous than the last one. If the audience has any taste and appreciates Star Trek for what it really is, then this reboot crap that Abrams created should be doomed to failure. Let’s hope it’s still not too late for it to fall down the drain. 🙂

  4. If you want something Star Trek related to go down the drain, you need not look any further than Starship Farragut and Star Trek Continues. Those two Farragut Films projects are crap that are doomed to failure.

  5. Let’s not forget Altair IV or Praxis. It was until Darph Nader had it vaporized. It’s nice to know that some people remember Hardware Wars.

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