February 8 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Stewart Cable Woes

2 min read

Moving into a new place means getting various services established and for Sir Patrick Stewart, it might have been easier to hook up with the Borg hive mind than to get his cable service connected at his new digs in Brooklyn.

Patrick took to Twitter when his attempt to set up his cable with Time Warner Cable did not go well. “All I wanted to do was set up a new account with TWCable_NYC,” he complained, “but 36hrs later, I’ve lost the will to live.”

The Twitterverse responded, including various Star Trek alumni. “Somebody help the Capt’n!” said Mike Sussman, speaking to LeVar Burton.

“I agree, MBB,” said William Shatner.

“Sounds like you chaps could do with a reliable engineer. :)” said Simon Pegg.

Stewart was unimpressed with the speed (or lack thereof) with which Time Warner Cable answered him. “Impertinent, presumptuous,” he said. “And so…’original.”

“How can we assist you?” asked a Time Warner representative.

“If that question had been asked at any time in the last 36hrs it would have been of value,” Stewart replied. “But now…”

“I apologize for the frustration,” said Time Warner. “If you change your mind, we are here.”

Stewart’s original tweet was retweeted by almost fifteen hundred people.

Time Warner’s response to the PR mess? “There’s no doubt we have a lot of fans at the company, of the actor and Star Trek in general,” said a spokesman for Time Warner. “But the truth is, any customer that reaches out to us … we’re going to offer them help the exact same way.”

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10 thoughts on “Stewart Cable Woes

  1. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of people having problems with Time Warner Cable. As a subscriber to Anime Network, I generally hear complaints from fellow AN subscribers who have TWC as their provider every week.

  2. I love how the banner ad on the right side of this page is for Time Warner Cable with the tagline “Enjoy Better”… LOL In all fairness I have TWC in Ohio and have never had any issues… But this ‘article’ describes nothing of the issues Sir Patrick had, what went on for ’36 hours’ or any other relevant details other than letting us know that he had some sort of customer service ‘issue’… Details… details.. DETAILS!

  3. Oh, Sir Patrick, the DRAMA! A day and a half without television.

    I get the frustration bit, we all get impatient. But what lowers his stature is acting like a complete ninny once the cable company does get in touch with him. “We’ll, if you’d hooked me up IMMEDIATELY… But since you didn’t, now I just want to $¥£#% and spew it over the Internet!”

  4. Clearly you’ve never had to deal with Time Warner Cable. They’re second only to AT&T in the “fuck customers/we hate money” sweepstakes.

  5. If they treat everyone the same, then everyone should expect crappy service, huh? I remember waiting a week for someone from AT&T to come and help with our internet problems. Stewart didn’t act like an entitled jerk, he acted like anyone else in an annoying situation with, ahem, “customer service.”

  6. Maybe not immediately, but certainly at least a reasonable response time from the company. Three days is hardly fast service, no matter what company or customer you are.

  7. Last I checked 36 hours is a day and a half.

    We all have a local utility that everyone thinks is “the worst.” In my neck of the woods, Comcast (kabletown, to you 30 Rock fans) doesn’t win many popularity contests.

    Waiting 1.5 days to be contacted about cable hookup is annoying, sure. But Stewart “lost the will to live” over it? I maintain that his response when contacted by TWC was classic passive-aggressive d-bag.

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