October 23 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

Burton NoH8 Rainbow

1 min read

Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s LeVar Burton has submitted another photo to the NoH8 campaign.

NoH8 is a campaign to raise awareness and to raise funds for gay rights causes, which includes the campaign to end California’s Proposition 8, a ban against gay marriage.

Adam Bouska and partner Jeff Parshley photograph people from all walks of life, including celebrities, politicians, athletes and any other interested parties. The people photographed have their mouths duct-taped and the NoH8 slogan written on them, usually on one cheek.

Earlier this year, Burton’s first picture to the campaign was submitted. Instead of having his mouth duct-taped however, the tape was over his eyes, a nod to his blind Star Trek: The Next Generation character Geordi La Forge.

In this new photo, Burton holds a rainbow – a reference to both his long-running Reading Rainbow show and to symbol of gay rights.

Other Star Trek celebrities have taken part in the NoH8 campaign, including Rod Roddenberry, George Takei, Denise Crosby, Tim Russ, Jeri Ryan, Robert Picardo, Chase Masterson, Terry Farrell and Dominic Keating. Their photos can be seen here.

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29 thoughts on “Burton NoH8 Rainbow

  1. Nice job Mr. Burton, I do wish he’d come out openly already though so much good can be done through the power of celebrities.

  2. What sick game are you playing. Dunce? Levar is married to a woman. and has children.. and his wife’s not a beard… Levar is straight. I’m a gay man myself… and I find it pretty disgusting that you would throw a “label” out there like this when it is so obviously false.

  3. I still like Mr. Burton and truly believe that deep down he feels he’s backing the right side. Despite that, on this issue I fully disagree with him and would love to see an end to this NoH8 campaign. My gosh, Prop 8 was 4 YEARS AGO! Move on already!

  4. My pardon please be calm, no need for insults here. It was supposed to be a compliment but I retract what I said and I’m sorry if it offended anyone that was not my intention. Big supporter of people coming out especially in celebrity positions which can do a lot of good.

  5. When did Rod Roddenberry become a Star Trek celebrity? In fact, when did he become anything more than someone squeezing the last penny from his father’s legacy? Just wondering…
    Oh, and Levar Burton’s not gay… he’s just gay coded. :eyeroll

  6. I find it interesting that the same people who push democracy are fighting Prop 8, which was approved by a majority of voters. I guess democracy’s OK for them as long as it goes their way, otherwise they have to be anti-democratic.

  7. Funny, I never thought he was gay, but I guess too much wacky weed will make you do crazy things.

  8. The NoH8 campaign will end once discrimination, violence, and social bias against LGBTQs end.

  9. Y’know, segregation in schools and denying women the right to vote were also approved by a majority of voters. Neither measure was a good idea.

  10. “Move on already”? Just to point out how absurd that statement is, I’ll quote Bill Hicks. “All right then. That whole Jesus thing? Let it go! It was 2,000
    years ago! Who cares?”
    I understand that you disagree. I disagree with groups that actively promote hate such as the Westboro Baptist “Church” being allowed to demonstrate publicly, however in our society they have the right to do so.

  11. “Move on already”? Just to point out how absurd that statement is, I’ll quote Bill Hicks. “All right then. That whole Jesus thing? Let it go! It was 2,000
    years ago! Who cares?”
    I understand that you disagree. I disagree with groups that actively promote hate such as the Westboro Baptist “Church” being allowed to demonstrate publicly, however in our society they have the right to do so.

  12. Since you seem to have slept through your high school civics class, please go google “tyranny of the majority”, and try to understand why the founders of the United States created a representational republic rather than a true democracy.

  13. There is no YesH8 campaign because it is not necessary. The organizations who lobbied to pass Prop8 in the first place do not have to campaign for support.

  14. Interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so stupid as to believe that supporting a cause makes one gay. This makes me very glad to have never met you.
    I’ve worked at a soup kitchen, does that make me homeless? I’ve volunteered at a hospital, does that give me cancer? I’ve donated to help starving kids in Africa, does that make me black?
    Now. As for your idiotic wacky weed statement. Do you know anything about LeVar Burton? No? Can you look things up? Clearly not, because if you did you would see all the anti-drug campaigning and messages that LeVar Burton has done over his lengthy career, because he has always taken his position as a role model very seriously. And if you choose to doubt that, let me share with you something that Mr. Burton said concerning a little show he was in called “Roots”:
    “It expanded the consciousness of people. Blacks and whites began to see
    each other as human beings, not as stereotypes.”
    Now substitute gay” and “straight” for black and white and read that quote again.
    If this doesn’t make any sense to you, then I humbly suggest that Trek fandom is not where you belong.

  15. I understand, but in this case he has no closet to come out of. In a nicer version of a previous rant, I will say that sometimes people support causes not because they have a personal stake in them, but because they believe the causes are just.

  16. It’s amazing how people (*cough* Kang *cough*) *completely missed my point*. The people who push democracy are *hypocrites*, as Prop 8 shows. They want “the people” to have a say, but if “the people” don’t say what they want they go anti-democracy and use the courts as a club to get what they want rather than what “the people” wanted. This is the reason why the Founding Fathers set up a republic. Many of the problems that currently exist in the US are a direct result of anti-republic actions, such as electing senators by popular vote instead of by methods chosen by the states. This has resulted in states no longer having representation in Congress- senators represent the people, NOT the state. Things will only get worse if the presidency becomes decided by popular vote.

  17. I stand corrected. I did indeed miss it. Likely due to too many hits without the helmet. Which might explain the ridges, come to think of it.

  18. Any Trek fan who thinks same-sex marriage should be illegal has entirely missed the boat.

  19. But rights were determined to be universal and inalienable at that time, and were not determined by a vote, nor made eligible to be taken away.

  20. Helmets are for wusses. Real warriors beat foreheads and drink prune juice. Qa’pla!

  21. The world has believed a ridiculous lie…If you disagree with someone, you hate them, and if you want to love someone, you have to agree with them. Ridiculous.

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