February 16 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Lindelof On Harrison/Kirk Similarities

2 min read

Star Trek into Darkness Co-Producer/Co-Writer Damon Lindelof spoke about his work on the movie and one of the topics was the mysterious John Harrison.

In this latest Trek movie, the events of Star Trek (2009) weigh heavily upon the Federation.

Star Trek is “the idea of keeping the vision of optimism, keeping the idea of mankind – and I include all genders in there – going where no person has gone before,” said Lindelof. “I think it’s the idea that we can all achieve the best of ourselves and, although there is a part of us that is less than great, that is inclined to bad behavior, or war-like behavior, or just violent behavior or dystopian thought processes, Trek is always about striving for utopia and optimism.

“But the world is complicated, and I think when you weigh what happened in the first movie, which is the destruction of Vulcan, it has cast a pallor over this entire Federation that needs to be reconciled. So I think, in a lot of ways, Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise is fighting for the soul of Starfleet in this movie. I think that’s one of the really powerful themes there.”

Harrison, the villain of the piece is a “distorted mirror image” of a protagonist,” said Lindelof. “John Harrison in many ways is a cautionary tale for what Kirk could potentially become if he allowed himself to go down a certain road.”

Although speculation about Harrison abounds, Lindelof firmly agrees with not letting details emerge before the film is released and before fans see the story themselves. “We’ve always prided ourselves on the fact that Kirk and Spock and the crew of the Enterprise, they are you,” he said. “They are the audience. So the audience shouldn’t know more than Kirk and Spock do when they buy their tickets to the movie. We’re trying to preserve that effect for them. That’s really why we’re keeping our mouths shut. And, ultimately, I feel like there’s been so much fanfare about ‘Who is Benedict playing?’ and ‘Is it such a character?’ that, if it’s not those things, that there’s just going to be a fundamental letdown or a sense of disappointment. So, like I said, we’re only keeping the secret to preserve the relationship that the audience has with the characters going into the story.”

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10 thoughts on “Lindelof On Harrison/Kirk Similarities

  1. And Lindehof is a talentless mealy-mouthed hack.
    Oh wait, we were talking characters, weren’t we.

  2. It could be worse. It could be Vic Mignogna’s and Farragut Films’ soon to be steaming pile of cow flop known as Star Trek Continues – Pilgrim Of Eternity. Given the choice between the two, I’ll endure Star Trek Into Darkness than FF’s upcoming abomination of a release.

  3. You might change your mind after you check some sources. The only substantial difference will be production quality. Well and lense flares, but that goes without saying.

  4. I doubt it. When it comes to the liars, thieves, crooks, and felons who run Farragut Films, there is NO way on God’s Green Earth that I will EVER support those who commit such illegal and criminal activities. NO WAY WHATSOEVER!!!!

  5. So. .

    Saw the FF site and the PoE episode. Other than some mixed acting, such as Sulu’s seriously laughable “breakdown” after Bamber’s (Jamie Bamber as a redshirt?!?) character’s demise, and very sketchy logic (why not just bring Apollo to a UFP world?), it was a pretty good ep that really felt like TOS. Liked it better than “Darkness”, which was at least as illogic-ridden (yes, let’s beam Uhura dn instead of a trained sniper to shoot Kh – err. . . Harrison).

    1) What is so bad about Farragut? They seem OK, actually.

    2) What criminal acts did they commit? Searching around online reveals nada.

  6. OK, after a few hrs of searching, I finially found the set-theft accusations (so many dead links!). Seems likely, tho nothing certain (lots of finger pointing). Worth a consideration, but PoE was still a good ep. nonetheless. Apparently VM is stepping dn at FF? Might be related.

  7. I fully expect lens flare off C3P0’s chassis in SW ep 7. BRACE YOURSELVES!

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