September 9 2024


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Quinto On Relationships

2 min read

In a new interview, Zachary Quinto explains what it’s like working with two of his co-stars, Chris Pine and Zoe Saldana, and he also describes the Spock-Uhura relationship in Star Trek into Darkness.

There are mild spoilers behind the cut.

After the smooth sailing of the Spock-Uhura relationship in 2009’s Star Trek, the pair is tested in Star Trek into Darkness. “…it was such a surprise in the first movie for the audiences to be faced with the fact of that relationship,” said Quinto. “I think in this one the writers done such a great job of taking us in yet another unexpected direction, where the convergence of work and personal relationship actually provides more conflict than either of these characters would ever have expected, and are comfortable with. There’s a lot of upheaval in this film, and all of us have to deal with it in our own unique ways. I really liked those relationships.”

Working with Saldana was no problem though. “Zoe Saldana is such an angel,” said Quinto. “She’s got such an openness and vulnerability on camera and yet such great strength. She can kick ass with the best of them, but then she can soften and open up in a way that is magnetizing whether you’re watching her on set or on screen – she’s got a real power to her. I love her; we’ve known each other for years and it’s great to come back to that kind of familiarity, especially when you’re working with such intimacy.”

When it comes to co-star Pine, Quinto and Pine have had similar experiences in their careers and it’s a comfort for Quinto to have someone else around who knows what it’s like to be where he is now, career-wise. “The great thing about working with Chris is that we really check in with each other creatively and personally,” said Quinto. “We’ve both gone through a lot of stuff since the first movie came out and it’s really nice to be able to connect with him about that, and bring it to our work together.

“There is an implicit trust, and I think something that happened to both of us in this film, we both came to realize the impact that being a part of this franchise is not only going to have on our careers, but on our lives. And it’s always a blast. Chris is an incredibly hard working actor; he’s enormously talented; he’s very serious about what he’s doing. He’s really able to bring the bravado of this character and complexity of this character to life in a really exciting way.”

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4 thoughts on “Quinto On Relationships

  1. More spin and uber-hype. Considering Quinto he has admitted he is gay, I’d have thought he would be uncomfortable: “especially when you’re working with such intimacy.” Jonathan Groff must be really peeved reading this!!

  2. It’s called acting… And Quinto along with most of this cast is very good at it.

  3. No. Much of this is hype with no substance; and rather twisted to get the ball to keep on rolling. The “I love her” seems just a bit odd to me.

  4. I don’t think it’s hype. I think they just got him talking about his co-stars, and actors are more than happy to go on and on and on with that subject.

    I also don’t see it as twisted. Gay male actors tend to have much less of a problem kissing women onscreen than straight male actors have kissing men; Also, if he’s worked with her extensively then the camaraderie is understandable; and I’ve had many friends who say they love their friends to express friendship or admiration rather than romance.

    Look at it this way. Most actors I’ve met tend to treat other actors, and to a lesser extent production personnel, as part of their tribe. The whole gay/straight thing means much less to them socially than acting ability and how well they can mesh with a cast.
    Additionally, I thought Quinto and Zoe had very good chemistry onscreen. I was quite surprised to find out afterward that he was gay. Acting!

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