February 13 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Two Of Three Trek Writers To Return

1 min read

Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are in negotiations to write for the third rebooted Star Trek movie.

Paramount had been looking for other writers, and some of the possibilities mentioned were Ashley Edward Miller and Zachary Stentz.

One writer who will probably not be returning is Damon Lindelof, according to unnamed sources.

J.J. Abrams is also in negotiations to produce Star Trek 3. He will probably not be directing the movie. One rumor had G.I. Joe: Retaliation‘s Jon M. Chu as the top candidate for the director’s chair, which was denied. Another report claims that an “industry source” names Rupert Wyatt (The Rise of the Planet of the Apes) as a “lock at this stage of the game.”

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8 thoughts on “Two Of Three Trek Writers To Return

  1. I would hope for a better third film, but the classic urban legend dictionary definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result… So, dum spiro spero, while I breathe, I hope………. but I’m not counting on it being any better.

  2. This is great news. It means the next movie will only kill two-thirds as many brain cells as Into Darkness did.

  3. You guys need to actually do some basic fact checking. The rumors about Paramount looking for different writers was a complete fabrication, it did not happen, yet judging by this “article” you seem unaware of the reality of the situation. Truly sad that you guys can’t be bothered to put the effort into your “work”.

  4. Actually, just like they brought on Damon Lindelof for STD, they’re planning to bring someone else aboard for Star Trek 3, and that is what those rumors were based on… and, indeed, they were looking to hire an additional writer, and still are… by Orci and Kurtzman’s own words… So… maybe you should check your facts before you make an ass of yourself in a comments section… Truly sad you can’t be bothered to put more “work” into your snark.

  5. Uh, no, the story about Paramount talking to the Thor writers was completely false, and has been stated to be, I dunno wtf your talking about but I am not wrong, or an ass, dickhead.

  6. The specific names in question? Perhaps… but, Orci and Kurtzman themselves have confirmed exactly what was said here, minus the names, namely that they are looking for an additional writer. Maybe you should’ve bothered to put the effort into you “snark” before being the dickhead you claim others to be. Read the IGN interview. The point in question is the last question asked, genius.


  7. What, no witty retort? Just going to pretend this spate of dickishness never happened? That’s cool. I’m okay with it.

  8. Could they please leave Damon Lindelhof home with the babysitter? I’d love some originality this time, not reliving some fanboy’s childhood fantasies.

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