March 13 2025


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Abrams: Thumbs Down On Trek Video Game

1 min read


In an interview with GamerHub TB, Star Trek into DarknessJ.J. Abrams shared his negative thoughts about the Star Trek video game.

Abrams originally had had high hopes for the game. “To me the video game could have been something that actually really benefited the series and was an exciting, fun game with great gameplay,” he said.

“The last game, which was obviously a big disappointment to me, was something that we were actually involved in at the very beginning and then we sort of realized that it was not going in a place where we were going to get what we wanted, so we dropped out,” said Abrams.

And indeed, Abrams’ fears were realized about the game. “[The video game] was something that I think, for me emotionally it hurt, because we were working our asses off making the movie and then this game came out and it got, this isn’t even my opinion, it got universally panned,” he said.

“I think that it was something without question that didn’t help the movie and arguably hurt it.”

Thanks to Randy H for the tip!

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11 thoughts on "Abrams: Thumbs Down On Trek Video Game"

  1. I know I choose my movie going experiences solely on the video game tie-in… which, of course, I always play before I go see the movie… just to make sure I actually want to see the movie… after all, when has a video game tie-in ever been less than stellar or not a true representation of the movie? I mean, that just doesn’t happen……….

  2. Between Abrams and Bob “FUCK OFF!” Orci, my decision to wash my hands of the Star Trek film series for the first time in 30 years just keeps making more sense all the time. These people are absolutely unbelievable.

    One day we hear bragging from Orci about how their two Star Trek movies outperformed the box office of all others that had come before, so they win and we h8ters can just shut the hell up. The next day we hear complaining from Abrams that a video game that nobody played somehow damaged the box office of STD, an excuse that is a tacit admission of what most of us had suspected from the first weekend: this movie was a serious underperformer that didn’t do anything close to the numbers that had been expected by both Paramount and Bad Robot.

    Which is it, J.J.?

  3. I don’t know about that. After all of the bullshit and other controversy they have pulled, it seems to me that they have no respect for Star Trek.

    Or worse, they are bending the living hell out of that respect.

  4. I’m not talking about the way they do “business” or their screwing off other peoples’ productions for their own benefit. Vic and FF have abused a lot of goodwill and burned a lot of bridges in the Trek community. The damage done to New Voyages alone is enough to merit a thorough Kanging. They clearly are backstabbing asscrabs with no respect for the work of others. I will say that with Star Trek Continues at least, the approach, the story and the production are a damn sight more respectful of forty-five years of Trek history than Star Trek Into Screw The Fans Who Needs ‘Em Anyway.

    I admit this is not a particularly high bar. Bear with me for a moment, please.

    One could say this is expected from a production that’s trying to be the 4th season; however a number of other TOS-era fan productions fall into the same fanservice ruts we see in Star Trek Into Can’t Hear You Over The Sound Of All That Money (including in part, unfortunately, NV’s pilot “Come What May”). Though…. I’m hard pressed to name even a crappy tie-in novel that sticks their finger up their ass and then waves it under your nose the way JJ did in the last film.

    But I digress. STC’s “Pilgrim of Eternity” is not great, but not terrible either. Most importantly, to me at least, the characters at least behave and speak like themselves; continuity is not assfucked in favor of stupid cameos or “Gasparoonie!” moments, there’s no villain (’cause as Bob says, “It’s all about the villain!”), there’s an actual moral dilemma, a resolution that comes from reason rather than from violence, gods’ tits reciting STiDuh’s flaws gives me a headache.

    I deplore Farragut Films’ perfidy, lies and betrayal; Mignona is a douche among douches and a ham among hams and not a tenth as great as he thinks he is; stunt casting annoys the shit out of me, especially when the actor in question can’t act CHRIS!!!; and despite guest-starring an original series veteran, overall it looks like a high school drama department invaded the Desilu studios. Yet with all that, they still had enough respect for Trek, Trek values, and Trek characters to write and produce a program that at least makes the effort to be good Star Trek.

    Were that they made such an enlightened effort behind the scenes.

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