September 15 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

GE’s TrekRabbit

1 min read


Beginning today, GE is partnering with TaskRabbit to bring a Trek-themed experience to select TaskRabbit customers in New York City and San Francisco.

TaskRabbit users outsource their small jobs, such as grocery shopping or the repair of a clogged sink, to locals in their neighborhood for a fee.

This Star Trek TaskRabbit promotion is in honor of GE’s latest Brilliant Machines advertising campaign, which recently aired a commercial (shown below) featuring a rather famous machine, the USS Enterprise.

The Brilliant Machines campaign, begun approximately a year ago, demonstrates the “Industrial Internet, which connects GE‘s Brilliant Machines with software and analytics,” and is “helping to transform big data into efficiencies and value for customers and society.

Other machines seen in the GE Brilliant Machines campaign include the Kit Knight Rider car, the Delorean from Back to the Future, and Mr. Smith from The Matrix trilogy.

The Trek TaskRabbit takeover begins today, and will run through the 13th in both NYC and SF, from 10 AM to 7 PM each day. Random TaskRabbit customers who choose a task which includes shopping and delivering (this task must be under $35 in cost), will find that instead of the usual TaskRabbit who shows up at their door, a “Star Trek-clad, pointy-eared companion from the final frontier,” will be there instead, ready to “accomplish the task at “warp speed.” The TaskRabbit website is located here.

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1 thought on “GE’s TrekRabbit

  1. This is the most bizarre cross-promotion I’ve ever heard of.

    So, if I live in NY or SF, I can hire someone to go out and buy me a gallon of milk and plunge the toilet, and they’ll show up to do so in a Spock outfit? And somehow this is tied in with that GE ad featuring the Enterprise?

    Weird. Neat, I guess. But still weird.

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