September 18 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

Yelchin: After The Disco

1 min read


Star Trek into Darkness’ Anton Yelchin is part of a short film promoting indie rockers Broken Bells‘ new album, After the Disco.

In the first part of After the Disco, seen below, Yelchin portrays a man waking up in a dream world.

The young man, Oliver, “‘wakes up’ in a spectral dream world where he encounters and ultimately falls in love with a beautiful female astronaut named Helen (Kate Mara)…A sweet, dialogue-free romance set to the strains of the Bells‘ music [ensues] that becomes complicated by the arrival of a large floating pink globe…that seems to inhabit both the dream and waking worlds. But what is a dream, and what is reality?”

After the Disco will be released in January.

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