The ever-busy Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci have taken on another project, the third Amazing Spider-Man movie. The Star Trek...
Year: 2013
For fans of the online sci-fi comedy Voyage Trekkers, the Season Two finale is now available to view. Voyage Trekkers,...
A new contest by ThinkGeek offers fans the chance to design a Star Trek shirt and to win five hundred...
The Little Mermaid was released today in Blu-ray and DVD format, and amongst the characters in the popular children's movie...
With Star Trek into Darkness now released on Blu-ray and DVD, attention is turning to the third installment of the...
J.J. Abrams apologized to Star Trek fans for the amount of lens flares in Star Trek into Darkness. His realization...
There will be sixteen conventions, shows or appearances in October and November that will feature actor of interest to Star...
Generation Gallery is again offering Star Trek-themed art, this time a set of three prints featuring characters from Star Trek:...
If Zachary Quinto had his way, he would be doing more theater and less television and movies. The actor, currently...
William Shatner will be touring in October to promote his new record, Ponder the Mystery. Ponder the Mystery, which will...
Worf, Dax, Bashir, Leeta, and Quark travel to Risa together, where a depressed Worf falls under the sway of a...
If Bryan Fuller had his way, the next Star Trek would be appearing on television. Fuller spoke about his desire...
Set photos have emerged from Into The Woods, in which Star Trek into Darkness' Chris Pine takes on the role...
For Zachary Quinto, now appearing in Tennessee William's The Glass Menagerie, the reviews are favorable. Quinto has taken on the...
A new set of art prints based on Star Trek: Enterprise has been released. The limited-edition set from the UK's...