February 14 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Pegg Star Wars Rumor

1 min read


If rumors prove to be true, Simon Pegg might be making an appearance in Star Wars: Episode VII.

Pegg was asked directly if he would be taking part in the latest Star Wars movie, but he didn’t say either yes or no.

“Well, J.J. uses me in different roles, and we’re good friends,” said Pegg. “I feel like my face in Star Wars would pop people out of the movie. Look, I love Star Wars, and I don’t want people to watch and go, ‘Oh, there’s Simon Pegg’s face.’ The film is cleverly cast with these amazing, unknown actors.”

Pegg admits to visiting the Star Wars set. “Of course I visited the set. It’s amazing, and I love Star Wars. I want to see everything happening. It looks wonderful, and you need to believe those characters. Any type of stunt casting might just pop you out of the movie.”

So will Pegg be in Star Wars: Episode VII or not? If so, it would seem that it would be in disguise, perhaps as some alien.

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8 thoughts on “Pegg Star Wars Rumor

  1. Here we go, more Star Wars news on a Star Trek news site. Thanks JJ for nothing!

  2. > I love Star Wars, and I don’t want people to watch and go, ‘Oh, there’s Simon Pegg’s face.’ The film is cleverly cast with these amazing, unknown actors
    Like Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher?
    Whenever I see Pegg’s face, I think “who’s that d-bag again?”
    He may have things backwards a bit.
    @Milo: Doesn’t matter in this case, George himself has ruined the SW franchise all by himself already.

  3. I like Simon Pegg and really appreciate his opinion on this. It shows a lot of integrity. For me, one of the worst scenes in the 2009 star trek was when they had Tyler Perry as the head of the Starfleet council. I almost yelled at the screen. Who’s brilliant plan was that?

  4. “Stop being a hater?” What are you, 16? And if you feel Star Wars is taking over so much, what the hell are you doing visiting a Star Trek site anyway?

  5. Except I didn’t say a thing about George Lucas. My point is thanks to JJ Abrams, we now get all the Star Wars news on the Star TREK news sites, and I for one find that kind of annoying!

    But since you brought it up, as the original artist, it was George’s thing to “ruin” if you really feel that way. I don’t feel that way 100%, but I’m kind of tired hearing movie fans squawk about how only the original artist can change a film or show (normally when it comes to sanitizing a production to be more family friendly, but not always), and then many of those same fans go nuts when George Lucas (the original artist) changes his “art”. Yet none of these art experts bat an eye when another fan takes that same work of “art” and heavenly edits it to their own taste. In fact many times they encourage it. I’m sorry, but the guy behind “The Phantom Edit” is not the original artist, Lucas is. Seems like a lot of “art” hippocratics to me.

  6. He’s just an actor playing a character in a very small role. It’s not like they had him in old lady drag as head of Starfleet.

  7. If I see an article that doesn’t interest me I scroll past it. It’s easier than clicking on it and then posting a complaining comment.

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