February 16 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Saldana As A Role Model

1 min read


Star Trek into DarknessZoë Saldana prefers to be more than eye candy in her movie roles.

The actress, who once went blue for Avatar, will be green for her role as Gamora in the forthcoming Guardians of the Galaxy.

The actress was originally attracted to the role as she is a fan of Director James Gunn‘s previous work. “James Gunn offered me the part; he said I was his only choice,” she said. “I read the script, I saw his work and I love Slither — it’s such an ’80s film, such a cult-y movie, and I’m a kid of the’80s …and the ’90s; I’m not that old.”

Saldana wants to make sure though, that she is more than decoration on the set. “I was definitely open about Gamora needing more substance” she said. “When I did read the script, one of the first drafts, she was just eye candy.”

She worked with Gunn and Joss Whedon to make sure that there was more substance to Gamora. “I didn’t want [to be just eye candy],” she said. “It’s important for me to leave a trail of substantial things that young women can be inspired by. My niece is eleven years old, and I don’t want her to grow up just wanting to be a princess.

“I want her to grow to be a king.”

Guardians of the Galaxy opens August 1.

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4 thoughts on “Saldana As A Role Model

  1. I hope Guardians will be good. With Star Trek basically dead, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become my new favorite on-going franchise. True, the mechanics of both are a bit different, but at least the MCU hasn’t jumped the shark yet!

  2. What an absurd comment. Star Trek isn’t dead. It’s more alive now than it’s been in a long time. It was dying a lingering death when Voyager, Enterprise, Insurrection and Nemesis were all hammering nails into its coffin lid. But it’s come back from the brink and is thriving nicely now.

  3. I guess HIS Star Trek is dead. You can’t expect a series to remain the same for it’s entire run when it’s a franchise as long-lived as Star Trek. We will always have the many seasons and films to go back and watch so it lives on if you want it to.

    What baffles me is how you can hate the new Star Trek films but think the abundance of super hero movies are amazing. I do like them as well but I would place them on the same level of creativity, intelligence, and quality as Star Trek (2009) and Into Darkness.

  4. Well, I wouldn’t say that “Star Trek Into Darkness” had much of intelligence, creativity, and quality as say “Captain America: Winter Soldier.” (I actually ‘cared’ about those characters and thought the story was pretty good, and a huge step up from the initial film which I thought was pretty bad).

    “Star Trek Into Darkness” did just that. It delved into darkness and didn’t build on the first film or the characters, nor explain how Kirk – out of everyone else on the ship – just happens to be captain only spending a few days on the ship. (Of course, it didn’t explain Khan).

    With that said, I’m not that big on the Marvel or DC films which seems to be doing the same thing lately – more quantity over quality. That is the reason I probably was surprised at how good “Winter Soldier” was.

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