March 14 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Trek-Type Communicator Debuts

1 min read


A new push-to-talk communication device is similar to the Star Trek Communicator pin.

The Onyx is a new communication device from hardware startup OnBeep.

The Onyx, which sells for $99.00, is “a personal communications device that operates within its own network. It pairs to a smartphone via Bluetooth and works wherever your smartphone has data service, whether that be on Wi-Fi or cellular networks. The roughly two-and-a-half-inch round, hockey puck-like device clips to a bag or article of clothing, has a button in the middle for initiating communication, a volume rocker, power switch, and a mute switch. Surrounding the main button is a multicolor LED ring that changes color depending on your availability (blue is available, green is talking, yellow is muted).

“The Onyx pairs to other Onyx units in user-controlled groups via its Android or iOS app. “There is no limit to how many can use the device, but communication becomes “unwieldy” with more than fifteen people involved. Each member of the group will hear all of the communication, but groups of two can be set up for private communication.

OnBeep CEO Jesse Robbins, a firefighter, wanted to “replicate the easy two-way communications that EMT and other first responders use, but in a more consumer friendly way.” He admits that the final hardware design was “inspired” by the Star Trek technology.

The Onyx will begin shipping later this year. More information on the device can be found at the OnBeep website.

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2 thoughts on "Trek-Type Communicator Debuts"

  1. “There is no limit to how many can use the device…” Yeah…this thing is a bluesnarfer’s wet dream. Keep them coming…maybe one day they’ll learn.

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