February 16 2025


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Abrams: How Pegg Became Trek 3 Writer

1 min read


During a recent interview, J.J. Abrams explained how Simon Pegg became one of the writers on Star Trek 3.

At an interview during the recent VES Awards, Abrams spoke mostly about Star Wars, but touched briefly on Star Trek 3 and Pegg.

“[Pegg] and I had talked quite a bit about story, he had a lot of wonderful ideas,” said Abrams. “It just sort of felt obvious that he would be a wonderful person to work on the story and help craft the story, so he’s working on it.”

As for the story, last year, Roberto Orci explained that the characters in Star Trek (2009) “weren’t the characters they were in the original series,”, but “They were growing into them and that continue[d] on in the second movie. So in this movie they are closer than they are to the original series characters that you have ever seen. They have set off on their five-year mission. So their adventure is going to be in deep space.”

Star Trek 3 will arrive in theaters next summer.

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15 thoughts on “Abrams: How Pegg Became Trek 3 Writer

  1. Let’s hope the former. Judging from his past work, and the fact that they were willing to call someone else in to take over script writing with filming set to commence in just a couple of months, I’m sure Orci’s story was quite a stinker.

    “This is why other people write Star Trek movies now and I don’t” – Bob Orci, 2015

  2. I’m so glad Orci was excised from this project. You can put a nice sheen on it and quote him from last year, but he won’t even get a story credit in the finished product.

  3. Orci is a tool. They won’t grow into the characters from the original series because of his dumb changes – Kirk won’t have a father around to guide him so instead of wanting to be in Starfleet to be like his dad he did it to replace his dad, Spock will probably be more Vulcan than ever since there are so few of them left, Uhura whined her way into her job and Chekov and Sulu got promoted way to early so they will have egos instead of earning their spots. Good job Orci!

  4. smfh, star trek is dead long live star wars for eternity!!!, star trek 1966-2016, rest in peace.

  5. “This is why other people write Star Trek movies now and I don’t.” So Happy Orci told that to the fans, Bunch of assholes always complaining the new Trek is to much like Star Wars well guess What this is how things are going to be from now on This is the Future of Star Trek Assholes.

  6. All hail new Star Trek, New Star Trek is the Future that means more Action and little to none Morality Plays and Ethics.

  7. I just want to get this straight, are you calling Star Trek fans assholes or Orci and company assholes?

  8. How Pegg Became Trek 3 Writer: He threatened to quit the franchise and take all 2 of his fans (3 if you count the Keenser guy) with him?

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