September 11 2024


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Byrne’s New Visions Future Issue

1 min read


For fans of John Byrne‘s New Visions photo-comics, Byrne gave an update on where future stories would go.

In Issue Seven of the series, a familiar Trek guest character will appear.

IDW Star Trek New Visions Gary Seven page in progressIssue Seven will feature Gary Seven, from Assignment: Earth. A preview page, seen at the left (click on thumbnail), includes Gary Seven, Captain Kirk and an alien ship. According to The Trek Collective, it appears that there will be a rooftop chase of some sort, and a visit inside the alien ship.

The issue due out next month, Star Trek New Visions #5 A Scent of Ghosts, will include A Scent of Ghosts and Memoriam. This issue will take fans back to the Christopher Pike-era of Star Trek.

“I’m bracing for some exploding heads among those who insist we started on Day One of the Five Year Mission, and everybody but Chekov (and possibly McCoy) joined the ship then,” said Byrne, referring to the Pike-era issue. “Spock was already there, of course.

“Kinda made sense to me that others might have been aboard before Kirk, too. Scotty seemed logical. And there was a more prosaic reason for using Kelso: Paul Carr had signed off on the use of his likeness, but Peter Duryea had not.”

Issue 6 will feature the Borg.

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8 thoughts on “Byrne’s New Visions Future Issue

  1. Speaking of Gary Seven, I realized recently that Roddenberry tried again with the Gary Seven premise. That concept was that there was an alien race helping mankind – just guiding it a little here and there – and he wanted to make it into a TV series. He tried again with The Questor Tapes – androids built by aliens, guiding the human race. I don’t why it took me so long to make the connection.

    Less relevant, but in the same vein, was that Jerome Bixby also revisited a theme. He wrote Requiem for Methuselah about an immortal who has been many famous men of the past. He used the same idea again in the movie “The Man from Earth”

  2. Good god, the photoshopping on this stuff is horrid. I’m guessing the ease of cutting and pasting images are why Byrne doesn’t want to draw comics anymore, but this stuff is horrible. Lighting on various elements doesn’t match, his original designs do not, in any way, shape or form, match the style of the original series. Whether it’s ships, buildings, tech or aliens, not a one has looked like something that would’ve been done on the original Trek. It’s easier to overlook that when drawn, but when it’s mediocre 3D modeling horribly composited into a t.v. show from the 60’s, then it’s much less easy to overlook.

  3. Hope we see Isis as well – the cat, not the terrorists (unless Gary Seven takes them on and we see Isis vs. ISIS – my money’s on the cat in that one).

  4. …and Questor became Mr. Data (Next Gen episodes “The Naked Now” and “The Royale” contain bits lifted directly from “The Questor Tapes”). Pike became Picard (note the similarity of names, temperment, and the fact that they use the British naval term Number One for their first officers). And then there’s Will Decker/Ilia and Will Riker/Deanna. If ya got a good idea, re-use it!

  5. Not only does this look awful, but his comics artwork that I saw in the ’80s looked pretty crappy as well.

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