January 21 2025


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Spiner In ID4 Sequel

1 min read


Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s Brent Spiner has signed on for Independence Day 2.

The news was tweeted by Director Roland Emmerich, who said that Spiner and Joey King (The Dark Knight Rises) were joining the project.

“This just in… @JoeyKingActress and @BrentSpiner officially signed for #IndependenceDay – Welcome aboard,” said Emmerich.

Spiner played Dr. Okun in Independence Day, the Area 51 scientist who was killed during an alien autopsy scene.

When someone pointed out that fact on Twitter, Spiner said, “Ummmm, is he?”

Independence Day 2 will release next summer.

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15 thoughts on “Spiner In ID4 Sequel

  1. I don’t understand why this movie is being made.

    The 18-35 demo who went out in droves for this state-of-the-art movie in 1996 have long since moved on, and, in many cases, their opinions of the film have worsened over time.

    Anyone in that core demo now, assuming they’ve seen the film, only did so many years after its initial release….and I don’t think they’ll bother with the sequel.

  2. Yeah, he seemed pretty dead… Not sure how they are going to explain his death away, but can’t say I’m angry.. Spiner in ID4 was one of my favorite parts.

  3. Sources?

    Why the big beef? Does the movie’s existence impact your life in some negative way? Does it make the world a worse place? Would you rather that people not pursue their own interests when they are not yours?

    People like entertainment. And artists like to change things up to fit the times and the crowd.

  4. I would have been disappointed if Brent weren’t in the cast. I don’t care what they come up with. I wouldn’t care if they totally ignored canon and have him there completely without explanation (but the tried-and-true “alternate reality” is a always good universal excuse). I want him in the movie. Yay.

  5. Oh, and for the absolutists out there, you CAN make a movie and research a cure for cancer at the same time. It’s not one or the other.

  6. Ugh…ID4 was the movie that truly opened my then 20-something eyes to just how bad these overdone, over-budgeted, and too much emphasis on special effects and explosions types of movies truly were. When it was first released, I lined up at the door and couldn’t wait to see it on opening night as I had seen the previews that made it look nothing short of awesome, but I walked out wanting my money back…it was that terrible. I suppose it was a good thing that, after that day, I learned to be a better judge of the types of movies I want to see ๐Ÿ™‚ .

    Knowing that they are making a sequel after all of these years to try to forget this turd does not my day make…but I’ll know to keep my money this time around ๐Ÿ˜‰ …


  7. Well…. I was 18 when this came out, was there on opening day, and left thinking that the whole thing had been a huge waste of time that had given us absolutely everything we needed to see in the trailer. It was a lumbering, overblown bore from which I’ve long since moved on and of which my opinion has definitely worsened over time.

    I don’t understand why ID42 (sounds like a Star Wars droid) is being made, either.

  8. One of those movies that was fantastic at the time but hasn’t aged well at all. Maybe the sequel will revitalize it?

  9. *cough* Still better than any of the Transformers films.
    I know, I know, it’s a low bar. A very, very, very low bar.

  10. I heard that there is also going to be a Stargate sequel, which will be set in another reality, and thus ignore the canon set by SG1, Atlantis, and Universe. This was announced in May 2014, and is supposed to also be directed by Roland Emmerich.

    I suppose this was only about a year ago, so no telling where they are on that project. Also don’t know how everybody feels about rebooting the series, but I suppose if we can get David Arnold to do the soundtracks for Stargate and ID4 again, at least we’ll get some very good soundtracks out of the deal.

  11. SG1 was a great series following a very good movie… SG-U needs to go the way of the dodo.

  12. ID4 is a July 4th tradition in our home. Say what you will, there is something about that movie that I love. I’m not sure where they would go with a sequel, though.

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