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Pegg Updates Star Trek 3 Progress

1 min read


The first draft for Star Trek 3 has been written and the movie will soon begin shooting.

Simon Pegg updated fans on the progress on the script and explained what he needed to do with the script before turning in that first draft.

“We started again six months before we were due to start shooting, which is insane,” he said. “In fact, we start shooting in Vancouver in four weeks – and we’re only handing in our first draft today.”

The script had contained one hundred-and-eighty pages, and had to be cut down to one hundred and thirty-five pages. “It’s pretty much a minute of screen time per page,” said Pegg. “Yeah, we’re gonna split it, Hunger Games-style, into parts one and two,” he joked.

Star Trek 3 arrives in theaters July 8, 2016.

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20 thoughts on “Pegg Updates Star Trek 3 Progress

  1. The first draft completed four weeks away from shooting.

    Yeah, this ought to go real well.

  2. To be fair, he was brought into things late in the game. And sometimes pressure works in favor of writing. As with each film (or episode for that matter), it is wait-and-see at this point.

  3. It’s a bad sign. We’ll meet back here in a year and you can explain to us how having a rushed script barely ready before showtime worked for the finished product.

  4. Oh yes, throwing the old script out and writing a new one right up until filming started worked so well for Jurassic Park 3. That movie is an amazing classic!

    I mean even if this was the final script they still need to build sets.

  5. How hard can it be to write Trek-flavored Processed Movie Experience?

  6. Oich. That’s pressure.

    Thank you so much Mister Orci. Had you simply admitted sooner that you were not ready for this task, then the studio and producers wouldn’t be looking to pull miracles out of Simon Pegg’s arse.

    Though come to think of it… wasn’t the script delayed several times during Star Trek Into Stupidity? Shouldn’t Paramount have taken into account that they had to bring in a third talentless hack to rescue their first two talentless hacks, and say, thought twice about hiring as director someone whose arse needed to be pulled out of a fire?

    Just sayin’.

  7. It’s rather they just cancel the thing and then do a deal with CBS so that next year announce a new show set in the prime universe. THat would be far more suitable for the 50th than a poor quality movie.

  8. It’s not unheard of for some films to start shooting without the script having being completed, “The Fugitive” is a notable example of when that happened and the film did not fall flat on its face. Four weeks is still a decent amount of lead time if none of the set pieces that need to be physically built change and the shooting schedule prioritizes location shooting and existing sets first. Pegg -really- shouldn’t be answering so many questions about the film right now though, it’s probably more nerve-wrcking for us to read this kind of minutia than to just hear after Paramount actually stamps their approval on a draft.
    Plenty of the Trek films have had colorful pre-production, but has any other cut it this close in terms of the script delivery?

  9. This is going to suck so bad. Paramount has lost their minds at this point. Everything is all about money, money, money. Which I understand you have to make a profit to keep your business going but they have really let what this franchise stood for just go to hell. JJ Abrams gave them an ugly looking new Enterprise and a Star Trek Wars franchise with big profits, so they are happy.

  10. the producers should take the pressure off pegg by giving us updates instead of him having to get the buzz going for ‘beyond’ all by himself.

  11. They have to build the Enterprise all over again? They can shoot on all the sets they already have while waiting for any extra sets to be built. Or they can just go find another brewery.

  12. As if JJ-haters needed another excuse to bash the series. Even if Pegg’s script turns out to be brilliant, it’s not going to please people who are determined to believe the alternate universe isn’t “real Star Trek.”

  13. Yeah, and I’d like to have a DS9 movie………….. Both wishes have about the same odds of happening.

  14. “Or they can just go find another brewery.” <–Probably the saddest indictment of the state of the new film franchise.

  15. The only thing that will shut up so-called “JJ-Haters” is a quality Star Trek film. It’s not rocket science.

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