February 13 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek 3 To Start Filming Soon

1 min read


It’s almost the end of June, and Star Trek 3 will be beginning filming in Vancouver.

At least three of the Star Trek actors have been seen in the area, in some cases preparing for their roles.

Zachary Quinto posted a photo of himself, with his hair cut in Star Trek fashion. “Someone is preparing to emerge,” he said.

Karl Urban has arrived in Vancouver, according to Lightboxgallery. “New Zealand star #KarlUrban arrives in #Vancouver to start latest #StarTrek film.”

And Zöe Saldana posted a photo of herself in the makeup chair, with the caption “Trailer time #startrek.”

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30 thoughts on “Star Trek 3 To Start Filming Soon

  1. [insert comment about how the film will be terrible here]

    Sparing others the effort…

  2. I like the way that Quinto phrased that — “preparing to emerge.” I wonder if that’s how it feels to the actors?

    Of course, Leonard Nimoy told us in his autobiographies that he used to have long internal conversations with Spock, so an actor’s mind does seem as if it might be an interesting place. Or at least, the minds of actors of the caliber of Mr. Nimoy and Mr. Quinto. 🙂

  3. Oh, don’t do that! Some of the regulars and their sock puppets won’t have anything to do all week!

  4. I don’t need to. After the last two, I think most of us know what to expect and the further train wreck Paramount is leaving this franchise in. But hey, if you want more Guardians of the Galaxy in your Star Trek, enjoy the show.

  5. Who out there is like me? Not excited at all. I didn’t care fore the last film at all. I get more excited about upcoming episodes of the Star Trek Continues fan films than Hollywood’s action extravaganzas action films made for morons.

  6. I predict this film will be poor. My script would have made you all fill your panties with sticky white love piss! You might as well lube up and stick a shampoo bottle up your fart pipe while watching pegg trek. Fuck you!

  7. They are more accurate then Abrams and the fan films are actually ore entertaining at time. Abrams ruined trek. He made Kirk a sophomoric college idiot, spock an emotional basket case and McCoy hardly even part of the story. NuTrek Sucks.

  8. Ahh, the days when the actual Roberto Orci would troll the boards instead of lame imitators.

  9. Indeed.

    …Or, they’re bolstering the franchise with an Aliens crossover.

  10. What? You’re not hoping for the Budweiser-brewery-as-the-engine-room scenes again?

  11. I definitely have mixed feelings about the previous films, especially STID, but they did have some good qualities, and with JJ etc replaced by Lin and Pegg, I think this new one will be an improvement. Don’t write it off before it actually exists, anyway.

  12. I was thinking more about that strange look on his face. More in the cheek area than I remembered. But I’m sure in the torso area he is ripped.

  13. It’s funny… As an actor (with some modest local success on stage and film and a few things on the interwebs), I’ve always viewed the characters I play as friends – people separate from myself of whom I’m very fond. They kind of form organically out of the words on the pages of the script, combined with the costumes, makeup, sets, the time & setting/style of the show. And before I know it, here’s this whole other person. It sounds schizophrenic, but it’s not. They’re imbued with some of my own traits or idiosyncracies, as well as their own, which just sort of happens – I discover them as the process moves along. It’s a lot of fun, but also a lot of work.

    And to keep things on-topic… My partner actually went to high school with Zach Quinto. We’ve got the yearbooks to prove it. There he is, on stage with our friend Dan, in Central Catholic’s production of “Once Upon a Mattress”. Even back then, those eyebrows were the size of river barges. My partner said that Zach was nice, but… How shall I put it? Rather impressed with himself, shall I say. As some actors are. Zach apparently made a big deal of the fact that he was a CLO Mini Star while he was going to high school. Big fish, small pond, as the saying goes. When Zach went to Carnegie Mellon, he was, of course a theater performance major. My partner’s friend Jennifer was a technical theater major. Jen said that Zach was a pretty nice fellow. He was openly gay at school, but kept a somewhat low profile.

    It’s just funny, because everyone knows I’m a huge STAR TREK fan, and the minute they find out my partner went to high school with Zach, I hear, “Oh, wow, you should ask him to, like, get you a part in the next STAR TREK movie!” Even though Zach does occasionally come home to Pittsburgh to visit his family, we’ve never run into him. He keeps to himself, and seeing as it’s been well over 20 years since they’ve seen each other, I highly doubt Zach would even remember my partner.

    Talk about a small world, eh?

  14. Thanks for talking about what the characters feel like to an actor. I’m a psychologist in real life, so I’m always interested in what’s going on in people’s minds. 🙂

    People are still growing up while they’re in high school, so “impressed with himself” at sixteen doesn’t necessarily translate into the adult personality. (It could, but I wouldn’t take it as definitive.)

    I think it must be VERY hard to be a celebrity. Most of us get to meet people who don’t want anything from us unless and until they get to know us, at which point they might want our time and attention, but they’ll give us theirs in return. Celebrities mostly meet people who want something from them — a brush with fame, money, an in with an agent or director or other professional contact, and so on. It must be very isolating to be a famous person, and I’m continually amazed that so many people think it would be wonderful to be famous. It sounds horrible to me!

  15. Well, it’s an interesting topic. Performing arts types – actors, singers, dancers (ESPECIALLY actors – !) are terribly needy, neurotic people. Trust me, I know whereof I speak, because I fit this to a “T”. By our nature, we can be (in spite of ourselves) self-centered people. We find personal validation and fulfillment in the attention of others – not in the classic definition of being an extrovert (particularly in that we’re not being ourselves per se – we’re playing a character who may be similar to but not really who we, the actors, are as people in our private lives), but in the sense that we “need” the response from the audience – be it tears, laughter, gasps of horror or surprise, and of course, the applause. For whatever screwed-up reason, we crave the attention and approval of an audience. It also serves as an outlet, of sorts – hey, in what other profession can you be a killer or some horrible person and not get in trouble? Personally, I don’t believe in using acting as a form of therapy. I’ve known people who have done that, and those folks are a mess. I use my own personal past & current experiences – joy, sorrow, loss or grief, triumph, anger – what is referred to as “sense memory” – as a starting point to help evoke or kickstart certain raw emotions or moods or mindsets & then apply that to the character’s current circumstances. Once I’m “in that moment”, I’m able to take it from there and have natural reactions as that character. Hope that makes sense…!

    As far as Mr. Quinto goes, aside from some eyebrow-raising rumors about his love life (which are nobody’s damned business but his, anyway), from what my partner has said of him, I get the distinct impression that he was a rather egotistic fellow. And again – that was high school. I think we all can look back upon our younger selves and cringe and wince at how full of our ourselves we were once upon a time. But I’ve never met Zach, and I know that he certainly paid his dues in getting out of CMU and getting his career started. He seems to have done well for himself, and used his celebrity for some very good and worthy causes (unlike a lot of other folks who are obscenely wealthy and famous and use it for nothing productive to help others). So I tip my hat to him for the work he’s done on and off screen.

    I think that celebrity is a double-edged sword, both curse and blessing at the same time. I personally find it odd that some very famous actors and singers can be such phenomenal performers, yet shun the attention it brings. I find it odd and a contradiction that one is a performer yet is annoyed or intimidated by the attention of fans. Why do it, then? Furthermore, they know full well that the attention is a part of it, so I find it disappointing that they can – sometimes – react so negatively to it. I understand the intrusiveness of being approached by fans at the airport, on planes, on the sidewalk, or while you’re trying to eat a meal with your family in a restaurant. I get that. Some people just don’t know how to respect certain boundaries and be respectful of others’ privacy – even if that person is on their television screen every week. Somehow, you’re regarded as public property, in a sense. And to have to handle it on a regular basis must be utterly exhausting at times. But I also find it naïve and even hypocritical of the celebrity who does not find a positive way with which to deal with it. If you can’t handle it, then perhaps take up another profession so you don’t have to put up with it. I once personally saw a very famous, critically-acclaimed African-American movie director treat an adoring fan like a piece of lint to be flicked off his coat. I was mortified for the young fan – himself an aspiring filmmaking who only wanted to tell the director how much of an inspiration he had been to him personally – and infuriated with the director for such insensitive behavior. The only reason the director was famous in the first place was because of lots and lots of young men like that fan. It’s only because of people like that fan that the director was in the position he was currently enjoying. So to bite the hand that feeds you, to be so ungrateful – that was a disgraceful display. Celebrities are only people. They enjoy a special place in culture and society. I think it all depends upon whether one finds a way to handle that place that makes all the difference.

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