January 9 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Stewart Enters Gay Cake Debate

2 min read


Sir Patrick Stewart was recently asked where he stands regarding the debate over whether bakeries should be compelled to make cakes for gay couples.

His answer comes as a surprise to those who are aware of his position on gay marriage, which he supports.

The Ashers Baking Company, located in Northern Ireland, recently lost a judgment and owners of the company, the McArthur family, was required to pay £500 to Gay Rights Activist Gareth Lee after refusing to make a cake for Lee with the slogan “Support Gay Marriage.”

Stewart was asked for his opinion on the matter during an interview for BBC‘s Newsnight show. “Who has the right there,” asked Evan Davis, presenter on the show. “The couple who say we want you to put ‘Yes to Gay Marriage’ on the cake, or the people who have to make the cake, who say we don’t want to put that on the cake?”

It’s a “deliciously difficult subject,” said Stewart. “It was not because this was a gay couple that they objected; it was not because they were going to be celebrating some kind of marriage or agreement between them. It was the actual words on the cake that they objected to, because they found them offensive.

“And I would support their right to say ‘no this is personally offensive to my beliefs; I will not do it’. But I feel bad for them, that it cost them £600 or whatever.”

The McArthur family has appealed the ruling.

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255 thoughts on "Stewart Enters Gay Cake Debate"

  1. I’m sorry, but the fundies provide the rope by which others hang you as a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don’t like the heat, tell the extremists to go fuck themselves and live in society normally. Or you will be treated badly by those who aren’t willing to live by the dictates of the Bible. Your choice.

    BTW, here’s another example of Christian extremism messing up something that everybody needs; http://www.cp24.com/video?clipId=633361*

    *Luckily, the motion failed.

  2. I never said I hate them, I just don’t want them getting any more special treatment than others. They can either learn to adjust to society, or they can give up what they believe; either way, things aren’t going back to what they used to be with regards to GLBT people, and no bullshit derived from a misunderstanding of Orwell is going to sway anybody.

  3. Yeah, that sounds very “tolerant” of others. Do it my way or else! After its not like equal rights applies to everyone 🙂

  4. Really, it’s for the creators or the current rights holders to say. They own the characters. If people want to fantasize about felt hand puppets having any sort of sexuality at all, fine, but they don’t really have any right to redefine or alter someone else’s characters. Let people make their own tube sock masterpieces and make them as gay or not gay as they want.
    It’s basically slash fiction, and as with K/S fantasies, it’s pretty much just so much mental fappage. People can represent (or actually misrepresent) someone elses’ characters as much as they want, provided they don’t mind the occasional cease-and-desist or litigation.

    And finally, no, they don’t have to be straight all the time. Kang speculates they may have an on again, off again tag team going with Big Bird and/or Snuffleupagus.

  5. That did happen here in Toronto a while ago, although I don’t remember the outcome.

  6. They settled out of court because neither side could decide who was the bigger politically correct “victim”. 🙂
    It was a draw!
    By the way, at least in the US you can’t criticize Muslims because the Politically Correct consider that “islamophobia”. 🙂
    But you can bash Christians all day, every day and none of The Politically Correct will care because they are the ones promoting it.
    Now that’s fair, isn’t it? 🙂

  7. I do criticize Muslim beliefs, and I will say that if Muslim cabdrivers can’t stand serving passengers with dogs, they should not be cabdrivers. The thing is, Muslims (due to a lot of factors that should be obvious to you) get the short end of the stick in this society, and what they suffer is a lot different from the (imaginary) persecution that Christians imagine they suffer from.

  8. Yeah, having their businesses and livelihood ruined makes everything equal and shows great tolerance for others

  9. Disagreeing with the Islamic creed is one thing, but promoting discriminatory hatred and hate attacks (as well as singling them out for ill-treatment at airports and border crossings because of ‘terrorism’ [Flying/Driving While Muslim] and the like) is wrong, and they are actively suffering from it. Christians are not being discriminated against worldwide, so you and others can can the self-pity/directed pity party and not feel that having to make a cake for GLBT couples is bad according to the fairy tales from the the skygod’s fairy tale book.

  10. Naw, muslims and is is are too busy killing them to just discrimate against them. “Skygod” eh? Well that demonstrates your contempt and thus your lack of empathy or tolerance that you dandy of others

  11. I’m not interested to catering to religious anything, sir; if neither you or the others here can get that things have changed and you can’t use religious excuses to refuse service to somebody, then that’s too bad for you and the others.

  12. Stop using Orwell to talk about this; you’re losing big time, and just making yourself look like a donkey.

  13. All that said business are doing is making it easier for said chains to drive them out of business (and as this organization lays it out)-I don’t want that that to happen, but if this is how they operate, it will happen.

  14. So you want to use your anti-religious contempt to be “equal” and demand “tolerance” and “acceptance” from.

  15. Ah, more of that “tolerance” and “acceptance” I see. Gee, you are quite the bigot yourself,dearie. Takes one to think anyone who disagrees with you must be one.

  16. And how did you pontificate that out,dearie? The simple act of diagreeing with you is apparently the only criteria you use. So are you always this judgmental? What happened to equality, oh right some are more equal than others

  17. A cake is a cake is a cake; if these Christian fundie bakers in Belfast can’t see that, then they shouldn’t be in business, and they deserve to have said business be supplanted by another independent one or by one of the supermarket chains that will do the same service without bullshit about ‘being offended’ due to Christian sensibilities that are no longer the law of the land.

  18. It’s the gay hit squads that ruin the businesses or had you not noticed. 🙂

  19. If said business can’t do anything unless it skews to their religious beliefs (that should stay private), then they can lose said business for all I care.

  20. When fundamentalists attempt to do stupid shit, then yes, I am judgmental.

  21. I want religions to be in their proper place as far as laws and human rights are concerned. And denying a cake to a gay couple is discrimination, no matter how you slice it. Being deprived of the ‘right’ to engage in said discrimination based on what a skygod decreed in the skygod’s story book isn’t, and they can be ‘ Closed In Despair’ for all I care as had happened in the early ’60’s in the southern USA.

  22. Being intolerant to intolerant people isn’t a ‘lack’ of empathy. It’s smarts.

  23. Would you use the same dismissive tone about the civil rights activists in my part of the world in the 60s?

    I’m beginning to think that John Wheeler is your typical right-wing neocon who love to play the reverse racism and sexism cards.

  24. It could be that they don’t like the Islamic creed but hate the way the Muslims are treated generally. There’s a difference.

  25. More “tolerance ” and acceptance. You make a fine example of what we should all strive for in “equality”.

  26. Then religious people have smarts when they are intolerant of your anti-religious biases. 🙂

  27. You don’t care about equality yourself, so you can bite me-your whole set of posts is just ‘the gays are too radical for me and I don’t like it’ as if agitating for the human right of not being discriminated against is somehow ‘bad’ or ‘extreme’. You’re nothing but a closeted bigoted homophobe, like some of the posters here, and you spend time trying to justify what this caca bakery tried to do as a ‘human right’ when it isn’t one.

    What these businesses are doing is the same as what was shown in the picture I posted in my earlier post; if they don’t like the way things are changing, then they can go out of business just like the hotel in that picture did back in the American south back in 1964. But they should not be allowed to get away with this as a ‘human’ right-again, it isn’t one. It’s just bigotry, (and also hypocrisy for their making Halloween cakes but not GLBT wedding ones); as In Belfast said, they should be consistent, but they’re not. That’s just bigotry, and they lost the case for that.

  28. Wow! Such hatred and such close minded judgmentalism and high horse behavior you think you were pontificating from your own pulpit and condemning the un-believers. Well The least your sense of moral superiority is in tact
    Your righteous rage spews forth to scold the heathens

  29. First they came for the T-Shirt Makers, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a T-Shirt Maker.

    Then they came for the Wedding Venues, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not married or getting married..

    Then they came for the Bakers, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a Baker.

    Then they came for YOU—and there was no one left to speak for YOU

  30. And I’m thinking because you’re so judgmental and so interested in totalitarian suppression of anyone who disagrees with your Holy mission that you aren’t any better (possibly worse) than the people you hate so much and you like leftist buzzwords like “neocon” because that way your contempt can shine.

  31. Yeah, and the people most against the Civil Rights Acts of the 60s were DEMOCRATS! 🙂
    The ones most against freeing the slaves- DEMOCRATS.
    Sorry, history does service your agenda.

  32. i>Dixiecrats, yes. That doesn’t moan that all Dems were against said acts, only the southern wing of the party (and LBJ admitted that when he said that he’d ‘lost the South for a generation.’) Your suppositions are bogus, and won’t sway me or what I have to say.

  33. This is not ‘totalitarian suppression’ of anything-stop believing bullshit from Faux Noise.

  34. Kiss my ass, buddy. You just want to be a homophobe without appearing to be so.

  35. Right, I’m going to pay attention to Christofacist bullshit. Kiss my ass, buddy.

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