March 13 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

The Enterprise 3D Project

1 min read

A virtual reality project will allow fans to tour the Enterprise-D.

The Enterprise-D Construction Project is recreating the Enterprise-D using Unreal Game Engine 4 with the goal of creating the entire ship.

According to the creators of this virtual Enterprise, “the Enterprise would serve first and foremost as a virtual museum. Every deck and room can be explored. Fans would be able to visit engineering via the turbolift, or walk from Deck 36 to Deck 5 to see the Arboretum. What does Worf’s quarters look like? What about the large forward windows on Deck 3? What kind of communal areas exist on the ship? Malls? Markets? Gardens? All these questions will be answered.”

To create these areas of the ship, the 3D artist who started the project “compiled a large archive of reference from production drawings, set blueprints, official blueprints, and of course meticulous captures of the HD Blu-ray versions of the episodes.”

Have a look at the virtual tour below. More information on the project can be found here.

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9 thoughts on "The Enterprise 3D Project"

  1. Makes me miss playing The Fallen and either Elite Force game – the downtime between missions when a player could explore the station or ships was a vicarious thrill.

  2. Ok, I’m impressed. I’ve been wanting to see that sort of thing since TNG was on the air.nnHopefully it doesn’t get abandoned before it gets completed. Or get some stupid take-down notice.

  3. If there’s interactivity with the ship’s controls, I’m going to have a fuckin nerdgasm. I’ve still got Captain’s Chair from the 90s. That was reall fun, but this looks incredible.

  4. I had the same reaction and then I realized it is not Ten forward, as explained in the text of the video :n”Some other things:nThe lounge on deck two is Two forward, not Ten Forward. It has downward sloping Windows”

  5. Funny that CBS put the kibosh on the Youtube video. Are the creators making money with this project? I thought CBS didn’t mind this fan stuff.

  6. The description says they used “meticulous captures of the HD Blu-ray versions of the episodes.u201d Maybe that’s what CBS objects to.

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