Two Trek Actors In New Medical Show Comedy
2 min read
Marina Sirtis and Michael Dorn are taking part in a series pilot that hopes to be the first “actor-created, fan-funded television series pilot bought by a major network.”
Internity “follows a misfit team of newbie doctors navigating ‘intern hell,’ led by Dr. Nate, a pop culture fanboy who’s obsessed with TV reruns and prone to dream sequences featuring actual cast members from his favorite old shows in guest appearances.
“Sirtis stars as Dr. Camila Chivari, whom at age fifty, isn’t the typical first year intern. After a messy divorce, Chivari returned to medical school to pursue her long-held ambition of becoming a doctor. Sirtis says, ‘I find the idea of starting over at fifty very compelling. It takes guts to embark on a totally new journey at an age most people are thinking about retirement. It’s rare to be offered such an exciting and rewarding role, so I don’t care how we fund it. I’m in!’
“Dorn will direct the pilot and make a special appearance reprising his and Sirtis’ iconic sci-fi roles in a special flashback scene. ‘I’m always looking to break new ground. With this show, we can,’ Dorn said. Internity also stars sitcom staples Richard Ruccolo (Two Guys, a Girl & a Pizza Place, Rita Rocks, Legit) and Carla Jimenez, (Last Man Standing, Raising Hope, Nacho Libre) with veteran actor Jim Beaver (Supernatural, Deadwood, the upcoming Crimson Peak) and Joey Adams (Bones, Body of Proof, Broadway).”
“Actors have been producing their work since the days of Charlie Chaplin,” said Adams. “But, actors taking that work directly to their audience to finance it? This is the future.”
The creative team must raise at least $100,000 via crowdfunding platform Indiegogo to fund their pilot. “Crowdfunding, simply put, is investing in dreams,” said Adams. “Once people get to know us and see how much we all believe in this show. I think they’ll want to help us play doctors on TV.”
The Indiegogo campaign can be found here.
She wishes she were still 50.