Two Star Trek Comics Arrive Tomorrow
1 min read
This week, two Star Trek comics from IDW Publishing will be released, but fans can have a sneak peek now.
The comics include Star Trek Manifest Destiny #3, and Star Trek: The New Adventures Volume 3.
In Star Trek Manifest Destiny #3, the “Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of the Star Trek franchise continues in this special event mini-series! It’s Kirk and the crew vs. the Klingons in a battle unlike any you’ve seen before: aboard the Enterprise itself!”
Written by Mike Johnson and Ryan Parrott, and featuring art and a cover by Angel Hernandez, the thirty-two page issue will sell for $3.99.
Star Trek: The New Adventures Volume 3 is set after the events of Star Trek into Darkness. In this issue, “the U.S.S. Enterprise embarks on a new five-year mission of exploration. Star Trek: The New Adventures Volume 3 collects the stories The Khitomer Conflict, Parallel Lives, I, Enterprise, and Lost Apollo from issues #25-34 of the ongoing Star Trek series.”
Written by Mike Johnson with art by Erfan Fajar, Yasmin Liang and Joe Corroney and a cover by John Watson, the two-hundred-and-twenty-eight page issue will sell for $29.99.
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