January 17 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Roddenberry To Be Inducted Into Hall of Fame

1 min read

Gene Roddenberry will be inducted into the International Space Hall of Fame.

The announcement came courtesy of The New Mexico Museum of Space History and International Space Hall of Fame.

“Mr. Roddenberry was chosen because of his vision of what space exploration could, be his commitment to promoting the future of space exploration and his work that inspired people worldwide to believe in the reality of the ‘final frontier,'” said museum executive director Christopher Orwoll. “Roddenberry’s leadership brought to the forefront social, political and cultural issues that impacted the world then and continue to do so now.”

Others who have been inducted into the International Space Hall of Fame include Neil Armstrong, Walter Cronkite and Arthur C. Clarke.

The induction ceremony, to take place Saturday November 12 beginning at 6 PM inside the museum, will feature special guests David Gerrold, David Stipes and Trek fan Bill Kraft, who “led a successful thirteen year campaign to have Star Trek commemorated with a stamp.”

The induction ceremony will be “held in conjunction with the celebration of the museum’s Fortieth Anniversary and will feature Apollo 17 Astronaut Harrison Jack Schmitt as guest speaker. Schmitt was the last man, and only scientist, to walk on the moon and is a 1977 Inductee into the International Space Hall of Fame.”

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