More Details From The Axanar Lawsuit
2 min read
Both sides in the CBS/Paramount vs. Axanar lawsuit are hoping to settle the case before it would go to trial in January, but as a result of their legal maneuvers, more details have come out about Axanar and Alec Peters.
According to a deposition last month by Prelude to Axanar Director Christian Gossett, Peters was hoping to use Axanar as a springboard to producing a future CBS-televised Star Trek.
Gossett advised Peters on how to go about this. “Well, what I would do is create my own intellectual property,” he said, “and I would produce a short, a concept, a proof of concept to show that you can produce live-action television or live-action entertainment. And then I would show them, ‘Hey, look, I produced this.'”
Peters also attempted to meet with Netflix, according to testimony in court documents, to “become a producer of Star Trek productions.”
Fans donating to the production did not realize that they would also be funding Peters’ personal lifestyle. “Further, Peters paid himself money he raised from fans to pay for his health insurance, his car insurance, to fill up his and his girlfriend’s gas tank on a weekly basis for two years, to pay for his phone, his girlfriend’s phone and his friend’s phone charges for two years, to pay for new tires for his Lexus, to take his car in for servicing, to travel around the world to attend various science fiction conventions, and even to pay his annual AAA membership and TSA pre-check fees.”
A ruling on the motions for summary judgment come could December 19. If the motions are not granted, the trial would begin January 31.