Pine: I’m In The Dark Too
1 min read
When it comes to the next Star Trek movie, Chris Pine is in the dark about its progress just as the fans are.
In an interview at Cinemacon 2017, when asked by MTV if he had an update or had seen a script for the sequel, Pine said, “I think I’ve probably told you this every time and about every film. I am literally one of the last people to find out. Costume designers find out before me. Prop people find out before me.
“I can’t wait to make the film. I love everyone in the film, you know that. I love the world. I will be back as many times as they ask me. I love the tall man they call Thor [Chris Hemsworth who played George Kirk in Star Trek 2009]. I’ll do this film. If you can talk to J.J. [Abrams] for me; please let him tell me. I’d like to find out so I can plan my life.”