Star Trek: The Trek Files: The Lost TNG Premise
1 min read
What if The Next Generation had been made “without Picard, Data, Worf or creator Gene Roddenberry?”
A five page memo from 1986 will be the “document of note” on tomorrow’s fifteen minute episode of The Trek Files, hosted by Larry “Dr. Trek” Nemecek.”
“Finding this memo was literally a jaw-dropper,” said Nemecek. “We knew of the moment in time when this occurred: summer 1986, just as Paramount Television was determined to go ahead with a ‘new’ Star Trek TV series. And Gene Roddenberry reluctant to get involved directly. But we never knew they had a new cast and premise fleshed out, just in case!”
Nemecek’s guest this week will be Dave Rossi, associate producer on Star Trek: Enterprise and on the original Star Trek Remastered project, and assistant to former Trek showrunner Rick Berman.
The Trek Files can be found here or at the Roddenberry Podcasts site.