2019 Star Trek Calendars
1 min read
Six Trek-themed calendars will be released for 2019.
The calendars include Star Trek Ships of the Line 2019, Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek (TOS), the 2019 Poster Calendar (TOS), the 2019 Engagement Calendar (all series), and the 2019 Daily Calendar.
Ships of the Line includes ships such as the USS Enterprise-E, the USS Enterprise and a Saturn V rocket, NX class and Vulcan Surak class, USS Voyager at Deep Space Nine, a refit Constitution class ship, the Kobayashi Maru, and more.
The cover of the TOS calendar features a Mirror Universe Spock and Kirk from Mirror Mirror.
The Star Trek Poster calendar features twelve ready-to-frame posters by Juan Ortiz.
For more information and more images of the calendars, head over to TrekCore.