Star Trek Online Launches Season 14.5
1 min read
Beginning today, Star Trek Online players can access Season 14.5. Season 14.5 is “an epilogue to the Tzenkethi War that introduces a brand new featured episode and secondary specialization.”
Captains will now have access to The Renegade’s Regret, “a new episode centered around Tzenkethi Captain Neth Parr, who recently sought political asylum on Deep Space Nine after betraying her kind to help the Alliance.”
“Season 14.5 also features an encounter with Captain Geordi La Forge (voiced by LeVar Burton) and introduces a new style of gameplay that allows Captains to play as Neth Parr and experience the brutal Tzenkethi Crusade from her perspective. Players will also discover the Constable Specialization, a new addition to the Captain Specialization System dedicated to the universe’s peacekeepers, like Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.”