Star Trek: Picard: Movie & TV Collection Review
2 min read
With the holidays fast approaching, a gift for that Next Generation fan on your list is the Star Trek: Picard: Movie & TV Collection Blu-ray set.
The Format:
The set contains six discs. On the discs ares two double episodes and the four Star Trek: The Next Generation movies. In addition, fans will receive a sixteen-page Star Trek: Sky’s the Limit mini-comic from IDW Publishing, which features a brand-new story.
The full contents can be found in the article posted here earlier in the year.
The Review:
Two of the very best episodes of The Next Generation are included in this set – Chain of Command and Best of Both Worlds. Best of Both Worlds might well have had the best cliffhanger of a Star Trek season to date.
Some might argue that the Inner Light should have been on here too but if one goes down that road, they’d need more discs!
The specials on the set are numerous and include commentaries, stories, promos, art and storyboards, discussions, and that brand-new comic.
I won’t totally spoil the comic, but in it, Picard and his crew must face off against a ship of Maquis. My question after reading the story was “how will this story tie into Star Trek: Picard?” After reading the story, you’ll see why I ask the question. The story was written by Thomas Zahler and it features art by Carlos Nieto.
Both the case and the slipcover have listings of the contents of each disk.
The Verdict:
Nothing is brand-new here other than the comic, but it’s a great set to give to a casual fan who likes Picard and The Next Generation, but doesn’t own all of the seasons and movies on DVD or Blu-ray.
Those waiting for Star Trek: Picard to air will of course be interested in the mini-comic from IDW Publishing.
To order the Star Trek: Picard Movie & TV Collection, which costs $23.68, head to the link located here.