New Star Trek: Voyager Collection From La-La Land Records
4 min read
Volume 2 of the Star Trek: Voyager soundtrack collection from La-La Land Records will be released tomorrow, December 3.
The music includes tracks from Paul Baillargeon, David Bell, Jay Chattaway, and Dennis McCarthy.
Three thousand of the four-CD sets will be created, and fans can enjoy more than five hours of music from the show, from seasons one through seven. Also included with the set is a forty-page liner notes booklet authored by Randall D. Larson.
Those ordering early might find autographs from Baillargeon, Bell and McCarthy.
The cost for the four-CD set will be $59.98 and the set can be ordered at La-La Land Records’ website starting at 4 PM ET. Head to the link located here to get your set.
Here is the track listing from the Star Trek: Voyager Collection Vol. 2:
Disc 1 (Jay Chattaway) (78:10):
1. Star Trek: Voyager Main Title – Jerry Goldsmith (1:46)
Learning Curve #116
2. Training Montage (2:21)
3. Teamwork Rescue (3:58)
Non Sequitur #122
4. Don’t Leave Me (1:55)
5. Breaking Into Starfleet/At the Timestream (6:33)
Sacred Ground #143
6. Let the Games Begin (2:01)
7. Snake Bite/Shoreline Visit (3:13)
8. Leap of Faith/The Big Gamble/Shaken Convictions (3:09)
The Chute #147
9. Bad View (1:31)
10. Don’t Leave Me/Finish Him (2:43)
11. Great Escape/When Harry Met Paris (3:11)
Future’s End Part I #150
12. Not the Weapon/Breaking & Entering (2:11)
Future’s End Part II #151
13. Recap/Doc Feels Pain (2:25)
14. Doc to the Rescue—Chase/Killer Truck (4:36)
15. Last Kiss—Last Warning/Starling Destroyed/Last Joke (4:59)
Blood Fever #157
16. Accidents Can Happen/Torres’ Discovery (3:43)
17. Outdoor Klingon Love/Fight! Fight! Fight! (4:59)
Scientific Method #175
18. Deck by Deck Survey (2:21)
19. One Death Too Many/Aliens Fold (4:36)
Dragon’s Teeth #225
20. Future Armageddon (1:25)
21. Dead Jisa (1:43)
22. History (3:19)
23. Vaadwaur Attack/Gedrin Saves the Day (3:39)
Drive #249
24. Flyer’s Test Flight (1:31)
25. Will You Marry Me?/Just Married (4:01)
26. Wtar Trek: Voyager Bumper #1 – Jerry Goldsmith (0:07)
Disc 2 (Music by Dennis McCarthy) (77:00):
1. Star Trek: Voyager Promo #1 – Jerry Goldsmith (0:07)
Parallax #103
2. It’s Us (1:25)
3. Punching Through/Torres (3:40)
Phage #105
4. Parts Is Parts (4:05)
Ex Post Facto #108
5. Smolderosity (3:29)
6. Into the Web (3:18)
7. LAPD Planted It (1:41)
Jetrel #115
8. Enola Gay/Forgiven (3:47)
The Gift #170
9. The End Is Near/Final Gift/Red (4:53)
Hope and Fear #194
10. Montagosity (1:50)
11. War of the Buttons/The Rescue/Ode to Summer (4:55)
Timeless #179
12. Requiem/Love’s Loss (4:55)
13. Slipstream/Into the Ice (5:17)
14. Success/From the Future (4:12)
Relativity #218
15. Mr. Brass/First Bridge (1:49)
16. Escape/Forced Confession (6:17)
17. Chasing/Caught!!/Cause & Effect (8:22)
Renaissance Man #270
18. One Down (3:00)
19. Torres Redux/The Kiss (2:28)
20. Unexpected Help (2:39)
21. Last Confessions/Bury the Hatchet (3:07)
22. Star Trek: Voyager Bumper #2 – Jerry Goldsmith (0:07)
Disc 3 (Music by Paul Baillargeon and David Bell) (74:20):
1. Star Trek: Voyager Promo #2 – Jerry Goldsmith (0:18)
Latent Image #206 – Music by Paul Baillargeon
2. Missing Scans (2:03)
3. Fragmented Memories/Setting the Trap (4:25)
4. Accusations/Restoring Doc’s Memories (3:24)
5. Surprise Attack (1:54)
6. Playing G-D (2:45)
7. >Nervous Breakdown (3:54)
8. Beginning to Heal (1:26)
Live Fast and Prosper #242 – Music by Paul Baillargeon
9. Neelix’s Tale/The Database Heist (1:34)
10. Still Saps (3:24)
Q2 #265 – Music by Paul Baillargeon
11. 7 of 9 Au Natural/Q2 Unleashes the Borg (2:13)
12. Q2 Runs Away/Icheb Must Die (4:54)
13. Judgment Day for Jr./Jane Deflowered (1:39)
The Killing Game Part I #186 – Music by David Bell
14. Klingon Janeway Stabbed/Torres Collapses at Nazi Headquarters/Beta Shoots Neelix and 7 (3:25)
15. Kim and Doc Plan in Corridor (3:03)
16. Kim Hit/Jane Into Reality/Nazi HQ Blows Up
The Killing Game Part II #187 – Music by David Bell
17. Recap and Teaser/Betty Grable’s Legs (2:37)
18. Blowing Up Sickbay/Hirogen Officer Shoots Alpha (5:16)
19. Final Battle Begins/Janeway’s Trick/Klingons Arrive (6:24)
Flesh and Blood, Part II #254 – Music by David Bell
20. How Can I Punish You? (1:19)
Homestead #269 – Music by David Bell
21. Flyer Crash Lands (1:41)
22. Dexa and Neelix Hold Hands/Dexa and Neelix Kiss (1:47)
23. Implanting Emitters (3:18)
24. Neelix Goodbye (2:40)
25. Star Trek: Voyager Bumper #3 – Jerry Goldsmith (0:07)
Disc 4 (Series Finale and Ends and Odds) (75:03):
1. Star Trek: Voyager Promo #3 – Jerry Goldsmith (0:13)
Message in a Bottle #181 – Paul Baillargeon
2. Romulans in Charge/The Prototype Works (3:01)
3. Everyone’s Attacking (2:27)
4. Holograms Save the Day/No Longer Alone (3:53)
Endgame Part I #271 – Music by Jay Chattaway
5. Welcome Home (0:52)
6. Welcome Home Future/Highrise Playon/To the Journey/Mysterious Conversation/Good-Bye Tuvok/Night Time Visit (4:19)
7. False Alarm/Third Date/Sore Loser/Possible Wormholes/Future Tuvok Upset/Doc Figures It Out/The House of Korath (4:46)
8. Nebula Soup (1:38)
9. You’re Not Captain Yet/Planning the Next Date (0:47)
10. Admiral Jane’s Trick (2:31)
11. One Last Time/7 Grabs Chuck/Jane Meets Jane (5:01)
Endgame Part II #272 – Music by Jay Chattaway
12. Recap (1:10)
13. Welcome Aboard/Advice From the Future/Voyager Gets Upgrade (1:55)
14. Queen Dream (1:57)
15. Admiral Ready for Borg/I’ll Bet on Janeways/Nebula Surprise (4:05)
16. Checking Out the Hub/Private Walk and Talk/7’s Death Revealed/7’s Resolve/Harry’s Big Speech (2:51)
17. Smell the Coffee/Love Is a Risk (2:32)
18. The Admiral and the Queen (2:21)
19. The Compromise/Killing the Queen/Prepare for Invasion/End of the Game (8:34)
Endgame Bonus Tracks – Music by Jay Chattaway
20. A Great Slate (0:10)
21. Queen Dream (Alternate Take) (1:56)
22. Harry’s Big Speech (Alternate Take) (0:53)
Renaissance Man #270 – Jay Chattaway
23. Questa o Quella (Verdi) – Vocal by Robert Picardo) (0:40)
24. Questa o Quella (Instrumental) – Verdi (0:40)
Future’s End Part II #151 – Jay Chattaway
25. Salsa Music (0:36)
26. Island Blues(0:45)
27. Soap Opera (0:49)
Jetrel #115 – Dennis McCarthy
28. Go to Jail (Accordion) (1:03)
Non Sequitur #122 – Jay Chattaway
29. Accordion Source (4:55)
Renaissance Man #270 – Jay Chattaway
30. Blue Danube (Instrumental) – Strauss (0:57)
Latent Image #206 – Paul Baillargeon
31. Janeway’s Piano (4:22)
32. Star Trek: Voyager End Credits Version 2 – Jerry Goldsmith (1:03)