Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Too Long A Sacrifice #3 Preview
1 min read
Tomorrow, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Too Long A Sacrifice #3 comes out, but fans can have a sneak peek at the issue today.
In Too Long a Sacrifice #3, “The DS9 murder mystery continues in this new space noir. As Odo forges a fragile working relationship with the past-his-prime investigator the Federation sent to help, new suspects emerge amidst a rising body count. But just when the team thinks they’re getting close to the culprit, a shocking discovery changes everything!”
Written by Scott and David Tipton, Too Long a Sacrifice #3 features art by Gregg Scott, and covers by Ricardo Drumond and J.K. Woodward.
The thirty-two page issue will cost $3.99. Click on thumbnails to see full-sized photos. More preview pages can be seen at Comics Continuum.