September 9 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

More Q Tidbits From De Lancie

2 min read

John de Lancie has done more of his Cameo videos, and has provided bits of information about his appearance on Season Two of Star Trek: Picard, including in how many episodes Q will be appearing.

He told one fan, “Q is coming back. As a matter of fact, for the last two weeks I have been filming in Picard and really annoying Picard – really annoying him. Patrick was delighted to see me for the first couple of days and after a couple of more days of really annoying scenes, he said, “So, how many episodes are you doing?’ In other words, ‘When are you going to get out of my face?’ And the answer is six episodes. And I think they are going to be coming out, actually I don’t know. But we are shooting Season Two and Three all at the same time right now.”

De Lancie went on to explain how it was working on the series during the COVID pandemic. “And it’s really quite unusual to be shooting a television show during all this COVID stuff,” he said. “It’s like walking into a surgical suite. We are masked and checked and rechecked. This morning I was checked to go back on Monday, tested. And when I get there on Monday I will be tested again. It’s quite an operation.”

Expect to see a different Q than you’re used to seeing, de Lancie told another fan. “It’s a very different Q this time. They wanted to go with not kidding around not as much. We will see if the audience enjoys it. I think they will.”

He continued with that theme in another video. “It’s a different Q,” he said. “They wanted a different Q and they got a different Q. Not the least of which is I am thirty years older. The first thing which I said to them when they asked me to do the show, I said, ‘Oh yeah, yeah, I’m interested. I’m interested. You are not going to have me in those tights again, are you?’ You just don’t want a seventy-year-old guy running around in tights. And they said, ‘Oh, no, no. It’s very different.’ I went, ‘Okay, as long as I’m not in tights.'”

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