September 9 2024


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Quaid: Brad Boimler’s Future

3 min read

In an interview with, Jack Quaid (Brad Boimler) spoke about the joy of doing Lower Decks, his affection for Boimler, and Boimler’s future.

“I just love this show so much,” said Quaid, “and I think that we ended Season One on such a great cliffhanger, obviously, now Boimler is on the Titan, and that was such a fun thing to record.

“I love playing Boimler. He’s just such a little goofball, and I love him so much. So it was a joy. It was awesome.”

So how is Boimler doing now that he has his coveted post on the Titan? “Boimler is on the Titan and he does have everything that he wants, but he remains very skittish and very freaked out,” said Quaid. “So it’s like be careful what you wish for a bit. It’s everything he ever wanted, but it’s very intense for him. So we’ll see how he fares with that, and that’s about all I can say. I think.”

Quaid found out at a Toronto Comic Con that he would be transferring from the Cerrito to the Titan. “I met him (Jonathan Frakes) at a Toronto Comic Con, basically, when I was shooting Season Two of The Boys,” he said. “He was out here. I met him. Karl Urban introduced me to him because they’re all the Star Trek people that hang out, and they’re all lovely.

“And I was a huge fan, obviously, and he looked at me and he was like, ‘Oh, Jack, you’re going to come work for me on my ship.’ So Jonathan Frakes, in real life, basically spoiled the show, and told me that Boimler was going to work for Riker. I had no idea that that was coming. And he told me in person, which was amazing. And he’s the nicest, kindest man ever.”

So would Boimler ever make captain? “I hate the break it to Boimler. I don’t know if he’s captain material,” said Quaid. “I know he wants it so bad, but he’s why. I just don’t think he knows how to make snap judgment decisions. I think, realistically, I think he’s an amazing, and I’m talking amazing, first officer, once he gets over himself. He’s a great number one, once he gets over his anxieties, I think. Because he’s logical, he goes by the book. He’ll tell the captain when they’re going overboard. I think Mariner is captain and Boimler is number one. I think that that’s a perfect combo, but yeah, I don’t know about captain in his future. I don’t see it. Maybe older Boimler, like how Captain Riker became captain a little bit later. I think maybe he could do that, but for now, I just see him as the first officer, but that’s good. First officer’s pretty damn good.”

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