Jones: Creating Your Own Family
2 min read
For Doug Jones, the newly created family of Culber, Stamets, and Adira echoes a real life choice that he and his wife made. Plus: Update on Discovery Season 4.
While doing press for the Season Three Discovery Blu-ray release which took place this month, Jones spoke about the little family that emerged in Season Three and how it related to events in his own life. “…The Blu del Barrio‘s character, Adira, playing into the chosen family scenario with Dr. Culber [Wilson Cruz] and Commander Stamets [Anthony Rapp], that they kind of have a child now in a chosen family kind of way, which I can relate to because my lovely Mrs. Jones and I never were able to have kids of our own and did an adult adoption with a young lady that we met eighteen years ago, who’s now our daughter,” he said. “So chosen family is a real thing, and it’s nice to see that played out. We have more rotating in for Season Four.”
Anthony Rapp also spoke about the new family in an interview with Screenrant. “…I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that one of the cool things about Season Four for Adira and Gray is that they get to spread their wings a little bit. They have their sea legs now so you get to see them in their own right and not just simply as a piece of the family puzzle or being overseen and tended to in that way.”
Rapp also disclosed that his work on Season Four is complete. “I finished my work on it a couple of weeks ago. There’s a little bit left. I don’t know exactly how much more time is left. There’s a location that they’re shooting in that my character is not a part of. They have a bit of extra stuff they have to shoot there. After that, we’re all done with the whole season. And that’s coming very soon if I’m not mistaken.”
Jones also said that the end of Season 4 filming was near. “…We’re closing in on the end of it now in Toronto,” he said.
“You’ll have a Season Four to look at later this year.”