February 16 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek: Prodigy Panel at Comic-Con@Home 2021

2 min read

Today was the day that Comic-Con@Home 2021 presented the Star Trek: Prodigy panel. In attendance was Jerry O’Connell (Boimler on Lower Decks) as the moderator, Executive Producers Kevin and Dan Hageman, Director/Co-Executive Producer Ben Hibbon, Brett Gray (Dal), Ella Purnell (Gwyn), Angus Imrie (Zero), Rylee Alazraqui (Rok-Tahk), Dee Bradley Baker (Murf), Jason Mantzoukas (Jankom Pog), and Kate Mulgrew (EMH Janeway).

The topic of course was Star Trek: Prodigy – hopes for the show, and descriptions of their characters. And be sure to keep an eye out for a quick pop-in by two Trek actors.

Hibbon spoke about how he viewed Prodigy. “Prodigy is canon,” he said. “We really want this series and this story to just fit within that incredibly rich universe that comes before and after.”

The Hagemans introduced the teaser trailer, which can be seen in a TrekToday article published earlier this afternoon.

The actors spoke about voicing their respective characters, and how they viewed their characters. Riley, who voices Rok-Tahk the rock-monster, said that Rok-Tahk is an “alien with a heart of gold.”

“He’s a cute little eight-year old,” she added, saying that she pretty much plays herself.

Gwyn, said Purnell, is “under the thumb of her father.” She has “two sides she’s fighting with constantly.” In Prodigy, Gwynn finally “gets to be a kid, like her actual age.” She “learns how to let loose a little and have fun.”

Mantzoukas voices Jankom Pog, who is a Tellarite. He’s a “confrontational character,” said Mantzoukas, “aggressive, argumentative.” Jankom Pog is an engineer and a mechanic.”

Zero the Medusan is in a containment suit so that the sight of him doesn’t drive others insane. Medusans, said Imrie, “tend to blurt out what everybody’s thinking.” Medusans “learn how to understand other characters’ emotions and grow with that.”

Baker, who voices the cute Murf (“The space blob”), gave an example of the vocalizations that fans will hear Murf make.

Mulgrew spoke about the Hologram Janeway and her purpose on the show. “She’s there to help this motley crew to get this defunct ship working,” she said. “She’s full of warmth; she’s determined to get these kids off of this dark and dangerous planet.”

Star Trek: Prodigy is aimed at a younger audience. “The young kids are going to get it in a way that older people, due to perhaps a little life experience, a scintilla of cynicism, might not get entirely,” said Mulgrew. “But the young ones; five, ten, fifteen, will embrace it.”

Star Trek: Prodigy will air this autumn.

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