Now that the first season of Star Trek: Picard has aired, Showrunner Michael Chabon and Akiva Goldman reflect upon the...
Cast & Crew
After the finale of Star Trek: Picard, Michael Chabon answered questions fans had about the show, including some dangling story...
Brent Spiner spoke to TV Guide recently on returning to play Data on Star Trek: Picard. Note: Spoilers for Star...
A day after the season finale of Star Trek: Picard aired on CBS All Access, Sir Patrick Stewart and Alison...
In an Instagram Livestream as reported by TrekMovie, Star Trek: Discovery's Wilson Cruz and Anthony Rapp spoke about Season Three...
For Evan Evagora, who plays the sword-wielding Romulan Elnor, his first day of filming was made much easier by Sir...
For those Americans stuck at home who don't yet have CBS All Access, and who would like to do a...
In an attempt to help people stay calm through a stressful time, Sir Patrick Stewart has taken to reading sonnets...
Star Trek Beyond's Simon Pegg spoke to Dark Horizons recently about the state of Star Trek movies and why they...
Returning to the Alpha Quadrant wasn't the best experience for Seven of Nine, and Jeri Ryan discusses that and Seven's...
Star Trek: Beyond's Zoe Saldana had joined Jasmine McGlade's Fencer. She will take on the role of Mae in the...
The Next Generation's Wil Wheaton will be hosting GameMaster, a new esports reality competition series. In GameMaster, twelve amateur aspiring...
Later this week, the new Star Trek: Picard episode, Absolute Candor, will air, and viewers will meet the Romulan character...
Kevin Conway, best-known to Trek fans for his portrayal of Kahless in Star Trek: The Next Generation: Rightful Heir, is...
Michael Chabon, Star Trek: Picard showrunner for the first season of the show, took some time to answer some fan...