Recently, TrekToday updated the story about The Captains, a documentary produced by William Shatner. Initially thought to be strictly about...
Cast & Crew
The role of Peter Parker has been cast for Spider-Man and Anton Yelchin didn't get the role. Andrew Garfield (The...
Actor/Director Corey Allen, who directed episodes for Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, passed away...
Star Trek XI's Zoë Saldana is engaged to her boyfriend of ten years. Saldana, 32, will wed actor/businessman Keith Britton,...
Anton Yelchin, Star Trek XI's Chekov, is on the final list of candidates to play Peter Parker in Sony's Spider-Man....
Bruce Greenwood, best-known to Star Trek XI fans for his role as Captain Christopher Pike, was honored by the British...
Archaia's Lucid #1, the first of a four-issue spy genre comic produced by Zachary Quinto's Before The Door media production...
While at the Saturn Awards a few days ago, Star Trek XI co-writers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci spoke about...
One hundred-and-thirty-five people who have distinguished themselves in the motion picture industry were invited to join the Academy of Motion...
Last night was the 39th Annual Saturn Awards and while Avatar dominated, winning ten Saturn Awards, Star Trek didn't leave...
Earlier this month, TrekToday reported on The Captains, a feature documentary directed by William Shatner. More information has come out...
One of the frustrations of acting is that sometimes, if one does a character well, that's all that anyone else...
Keegan de Lancie, son of John de Lancie (Q), made an appearance at Wizard World Philly 2010 where he spoke...
Sir Patrick Stewart spoke recently at the Edinburgh International Film Festival about his acting career including his work on Star...
Simon Pegg, Star Trek XI's Scotty, will be voicing Reepicheep in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Bill Nighy, who...